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20.That is the reason why … (那就是...的原因) 饲养宠物对人的健康有害,因此我不养宠物。 Raising pets is harmful to people’s health and that is the reason why I never keep pets. 21.For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式...(过去...年来,...一直...) 过去十年来,实用性课程诸如电脑和商科在大学中普遍盛行。 For the past decade or so, practical courses, such as computer and business, have gained tremendous popularity on college campuses. 22. Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。 自从西式快餐进入中国后,我们的饮食结构发生了巨大的变化。 Since western fast food was introduced into China, our dietary structure has undergone drastic changes. 23.It pays to + V ~~~ (...是值得的。) 创造和谐平等的社会是值得的。 It pays to create an equal and harmonious society. 24. be based on (以...为基础) 销售策略是根据对消费者花钱的情况所作的研究而制定的。 The marketing strategy is based on a study of consumer spending. 25.Spare no effort to + V (不遗余力的) ★ 政府应不遗余力的提高人们的生活水平。 The government should spare no effort to imrove people’s living standard. 26. bring home to + 人 + 事 (让...明白...事) 流感的爆发让人类一定程度上明白了尊重自然的重要意义。 The outbreak of HINI flu brings home to the mass the significance of respecting the nature to some extent. 我们应该让人们明白太空研究的重要性所在。 We should bring home to the masses the significance of space research. 27. be closely related to ~~ (与...息息相关) 人口激增以及外来民工大量涌入,与交通问题息息相关。 Expanding population and influx of migrant workers are closely related to the problem. 28. There exists the possibility of + Ving (存在...的可能性) 有可能伤害无辜的人。 There exists the possibility of hurting an innocent person 29. Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, …(因为...) 由于男女共校的教育体制,异性同学间的良性竞争和友好合作精神得到了发扬。 Thanks to coeducation system, benign competition and cooperation between male and female students are rightly encouraged. 由于医学的发展,人们比过去活的长。 Owing to the development of medical science, people live longer than before. 30. Only...can (只有...才能) ★ 只有当一个人有足够的自控能力时,他才能从玩游戏中获益。 Only if one has enough/adequate self-control can he benefit from playing games. 31. Leave much to be desired (令人不满意) 当前的教育模式远不能让人满意。 The present educational patterns leave much to be desired. 毕业大学生的就业率


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