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. ... 大学运动会新闻稿 我的所有啊,都给你了 你是跑道上划过的流星, 燃烧自己,洒下光辉, 也许你并没有看到成功像你挥手, 但你已奋斗拼搏过, 相信自己, 力量就在心中。 在黑白相间的跑道上,留下了你们灿烂的身影。 在枪响的那一刹那,似流星、似闪电, 如骏马奔腾,如蛟龙腾空,如猛虎出洞, 不在乎名次高低,不在乎成绩高下。 努力拚搏,顽强奋斗, 即使落后,也顽强不屈,永不退缩~ 晨风轻轻地唤醒骄阳 校园的操场传来发令枪的声响 彩旗与呐喊声一起在飘荡着 心和起点紧紧的相连 用青春和热血来铺洒白色的跑道 用激情点燃胜利的曙光 你听那激烈奔跑的脚步声, 震撼大地。 你听那欢呼加油的呐喊声, 催人奋进。 赛场上的旋律, 如旋风般急速, 如号角般激扬, 如激流般奔腾不息。 创新~突破~超越~ 永远是赛场上最激动人心的旋律。 朝阳的金色洗亮了跑道, 青春的旋律谱成了这首歌, 充满激情的心是这首歌的音符, of the difference of the results. This value should be less than 0.5%. Defined for determination of whiteness of starches starch whiteness: under the stated conditions, surface of starch light reflectance standard Whiteboard surface and light reflectance ratio. Whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value to represent. 2, principle: Blu-ray through sample reflectivity reflectance contrast with the standard Whiteboard for Blu-ray, get samples of whiteness. Measurement method applicable to dry into a powder of refined starches ... Bai Duyi 3, instruments: wavelength can be transferred to 425nm box for sample and standard Whiteboard, accurate to 0.1. Press box: fit in the box. Step 4, analysis sample preparation: samples should be fully mixed. Sample Board by: Bai Duyi samples box zhuangyang, according to Bai Duyi method sample Whiteboard prescribed. Bai Duyi preparation: method of operation required by Bai Duyi operation, will be marked with a white ceramic whiteboard or Whiteboard made of high purity magnesium oxide standard correction. Measurement: determined by white Whiteboard Analyzer sample, write down the whiteness. Determination of number: the same sample for the second determination. 5, said of the results: the whiteness of whiteness of whiteness meter measurements samples value. Such as poor meets the requirements, take the arithmetic mean of the second determination as a result. 6, allowing differential analyst simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the res



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