计算机专业 毕业论文)学生公寓管理系统1.doc

计算机专业 毕业论文)学生公寓管理系统1.doc

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经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 PAGE 学生公寓管理系统 【摘要】 随着电脑的普及与使用,现代管理也提升了一个档次,渐渐实现了无纸化办公,即从原来的人工记录管理模式转变为电脑一体化管理。高校是科研的阵地,后勤的公寓管理也应该一改传统的人工管理,更加信息化,时代化,节省人力物力,提高效率。基于这一点,开发此学生公寓管理系统。本文介绍了在对现有学生宿舍管理系统系统的功能和应用效果的调查分析之后,基于VC#编程语言和Sql server 2005数据库的开发环境开发出的一个学生公寓管理系统。首先,文章阐述了选题的背景和意义,开发一个程序的一些基本理论知识和技术支持。接着详细介绍了开发本程序从需求分析,到系统设计,随后分析了系统的数据库设计以及详细设计的思路。并且文中还着重介绍了学生公寓管理系统中的一些重点模块的设计和功能。最后,总结了完成此次毕业设计所学到的东西和心得体会。 【关键词】 Sql server 2005 C# 数据库应用 学生公寓管理系统 ADO访问数据库 Student Apartment Management System 【Abstract】 With the popularization and use of computers, the modern management has improved to a new range, which gradually achieve a paperless office that from the original manual records management into the integrated management of computers. Universities are the research sites, thus the apartment Management should also be changed from the traditional labor management into a more efficient way, which is full of modern information, and save a lot of labor. For this reason, we need develop the student apartment management system. This paper describes the management of the dormitories on the existing system and analyzes the function of this system; and then introduces VC # programming language and Sql server 2005 database development environment, to develop a student apartment management system. First, the paper states the background and significance of the topic and some basic theoretical knowledge and technical support to develop a program. Then introduce the basic method of the development of this program from requirements analysis to system design and from database design to the detailed design. And the paper also highlights the key modules of the design and functionality of the student apartment management system. Finally, I summarize what I have learned and gained in this graduate design. 【Key words】Sql server 2005 c# database application Dormitory administrator management system ADO access database 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 绪论 1 1 选题背景及意义 2 1.1 选题背景 2 1.2 当前管理系统的现状 2 1.3 现有的管理系统存在的


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