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经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 本科毕业论文 论文题目: 企业危机管理研究 中文摘要 在市场经济中,每一个经济个体的生存与发展无不受到各种宏、微观环境因素的影响和制约,由于企业的内部条件和外部环境持续不断变化,以及二者之间的动态交互作用,客观上存在众多不确定性因素。随着中国加入WOT和全球经济一体化进程的加快,上述不确定性在增加,中国企业在生产经营过程中遭遇危机事件成为更常见的现象。企业危机发生的范围更广,频率更高,提高危机管理的水平是企业长期健康发展的需要。 早期的危机管理往往停留在“救火”层面,只是被动地应对、处理各种突发事件,没有把危机管理作为企业发展中的重要问题系统思考和安排,后来又过于强调预防危机的发生而忽视危机后的恢复和转化,都有一定片面性。本文认为,由于不确定性和不可控力的存在,以及人们对自然、科学的探索认知是一个渐进的过程,危机事件实际上是很难完全避免的,只有将强化管理、常备不懈、建立科学的预警体系与积极化解、正确应对、完善企业的快速反应机制相结合才是危机管理的正确方向。 本文在阐述企业危机管理一般方法的基础上,重点论述了企业危机管理需要用科学知识武装头脑,以科学精神面对危机,以科学工具应对危机,以科学方法预防危机,建立科学的危机管理机制的观点。论文主要论述了企业危机管理的基础理论、中国企业目前面临的主要危机,以及如何有效防范和控制这些危机。最后,结合蒙牛特仑苏的案例阐述了企业面临危机中的具体措施,为企业有效开展危机管理工作提供有益借鉴。 关键词:企业危机,危机管理,蒙牛案例 Abstract In a market economy, the survival and development of each individual are all subject to various macro and micro environmental factors and constraints, due to internal conditions and external environment is continuously changing, and the dynamic interaction between the two, the objective on a number of uncertainties. With Chinas accession to the WOT and the accelerated process of global economic integration, the uncertainty increases, the Chinese enterprises to become more common phenomenon experienced crises in the production process. A wider range of corporate crisis, a higher frequency, to improve the level of crisis management is the long-term health development needs. ????Early in the crisis management tend to stay in the fire level, just respond passively to deal with all types of emergencies, and crisis management as a business development systems thinking and arrangements, and later too much emphasis on the prevention of crises and neglect post-crisis recovery and transformation, there is a certain one-sidedness. This paper argues that due to the uncertainties and uncontrollable forces exist, as well as explore the cognitive nature, science is a gradual process, the crisis event is actually difficult to completely avoid, only to strengthen the management, guard, to es


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