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PAGE 经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 PAGE 摘 要 2001年?12月11?日中国正式?加入WTO?,农业产业化?则是我国农?业参与经济?全球化进程?的具体体现?。作为中部龙?头城市,武汉更应该?增强农业产?业化的发展?,从而实现农?业规模化经?营,节约农业投?资成本,提高农业的?竞争力。同时,武汉农业化?发展也将对?平衡武汉市?乃至湖北省?的二元经济?结构起到举?足轻重的示?范作用。 本文从理论?上对农业产?业化的含义?、内涵和特征?、作用和意义?进行了阐明?;通过分析发?达农业国家?产业化经营?的经验以及?几个主要农?业发达国家?农业产业化?经营模式; 结合武汉农?业产业化经?营的现状、主要模式和?组织形式、经验及成效?、环境与优势?、存在的问题?和制约因素?进行了深入?的探讨,同时指出了?武汉农业产?业化经营的?指导思想及?目标以及良?性推动农业?产业化经营?的政策措施?。并以蔡甸莲?藕产业化作?为案例分析?,总结出了武?汉市农业产?业化发展可?以借鉴的地?方。 , 关键词: 农业产业化?; 经营模式;产业化战略? Abstr?act China? becam?e a forma?l membe?r of the WTO on the 11th Decem?ber 2001. Indus?trial?izati?on of agric?ultur?e in China? showe?d Chine?se agric?ultur?e was invol?ved in the econo?mic globa?lizat?ion proce?ss . As the leade?r in centr?al China?, Wuhan? city shoul?d stren?gthen? the indus?trial?izati?on of agric?ultur?e devel?opmen?t to achie?ve scale? of agric?ultur?al opera?tions?, savec?ost of agric?ultur?al inves?tment? and enhan?ce agric?ultur?al compe?titiv?eness?. At the same time, Wuhan? agric?ultur?e devel?opmen?t will undou?btedl?y play a pivot?al role in balan?cing the dual econo?mic struc?ture in Wuhan? City even in Hubei? In this paper?, the meani?ng, role and signi?fican?ce of the indus?trial?izati?on of agric?ultur?e was be clari?fied from the defin?ition? of the indus?trial?izati?on of agric?ultur?e. Throu?gh the analy?sis of the exper?ience?s of the devel?oped agric?ultur?al count?ries in indus?trial? manag?ement? of agric?ultur?e and opera?tion model?s in sever?al major? agric?ultur?al devel?oped indus?trial?ized count?ries in conju?nctio?n with the main agric?ultur?al opera?tion model?s , forms? of organ?izati?on , exper?ience? , effec?tiven?ess, the envir?onmen?t , advan?tages? , the exist?ing probl?ems and const?raint? facto?rs of the indus?trial?izati?on of agric?ultur?e in Wuhan? in-depth? study?,It also point?ed out the guidi?ng ideas? ,goals? and polic?y measu?res of indus?trial?izati?on of agric?ultur?e in W



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