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经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 毕业设计(论文) 题目:广东外向型民营企业管理创新的思考 广东外向型民营企业管理创新的思考 摘要 管理创新是现代企业管理的一种基本职能,是现代企业管理的永恒课题,是企业求生存、求发展的必要工具,是深化我国企业改革的内在需要,也是迎接知识经济挑战的需要,更是企业应对风险的管理需要。 本文从管理创新的视角,探讨了广东外向型民营企业在全球金融危机下的生存之道,以期能为广东外向型民营企业乃至中国企业在应对此次全球金融危机中提供“保生存、求发展”的解决之道,同时也为我国企业进行产业升级转型做好管理准备,以保证我国企业取得快速、稳定的可持续发展。本文认为,外向型企业必须以适应国际大环境为前提,密切关注官方政策与市场动态,从管理思想、管理制度与管理方法等几大方面进行全方位创新,积极转变观念、完善制度、更新管理方法等,以提高企业的管理水平和应对风险的能力。 关键词:广东外向型企业;民营企业;管理创新 REFLECTIONS ON MANAGEMENT INNOVATION OF THE EXPORT-ORIENTED PRIVATE ENTERPRISES IN GUANGDONG ABSTRACT Management innovation is one of the basic functions and an eternal subject in the management of modern enterprises. It is an essential tool for the enterprises to survive and develop, and it is the need to deepen the reform of Chinas enterprises, to meet the challenges in a knowledge-based economy, as well as to deal with the risks in the business management. From the perspective of management innovation, this article studies the solutions of survival of the export-oriented private enterprises in Guangdong in the global financial crisis , with a view to offer the solutions ---- striving for survival and development for China’s enterprises as well as the export-oriented private enterprises in Guangdong in responding to the global financial crisis . At the same time, this article makes it ready for China’s enterprises to upgrade and restructure themselves to ensure that Chinas enterprises will obtain a rapid, stable sustainable development. This article holds that the export-oriented private enterprises need to adapt the current international environment, paying close attention to the official policy and the market dynamics. They should make an all-round innovation in the aspects of management thinking, management systems and management methods; meanwhile, they should change the concepts, improve the systems, and update the management positively so as to enhance the management level and the ability to cope with risks. Key words: the export-oriented enterprises



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