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经典文档 下载后可编辑复制 毕业论文诚信承诺书 本人郑重承诺我所呈交的本科毕业设计(论文)是本人在导师指导下对四年专业知识而进行的研究工作及全面的总结。论文中创新处不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得北京化工大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书而已经使用过的材料。在此申明我愿承担与上述承诺相违背的事实所引起的一切消极后果。 签名:*** 2011 年 3 月 10日 非政府组织参与自然灾害危机管理的研究 **** 公共管理专业 公管0701班 学号070401025 指导老师 *** 摘 要 在国际局势变幻莫测、国内改革日趋深化的时代背景下,自然灾害频发已经成为社会管理生活中不可避免的重大挑战。政府作为公共服务的提供者和公共事务的管理者,在自然灾害危机管理中必然扮演主角,起主导作用。但仅凭少数政府应急部门和专业人员的力量,是远远不够的,还必须有社会力量的参与和支持,才能成功应对危机的挑战。非政府组织作为公民社会的重要组织实体,作为危机管理的参与主体,在应对各种自然灾害危机事件中发挥着积极的作用,成为一支越来越活跃的力量。本文基于我国的实际情况,将我国的非政府组织分为社会团体和民办非企业单位两类,分析各自在参与自然灾害危机管理中的现状及存在的问题,提出必须立足于当前国情,从政府的推动、非政府组织自身能力的强化、公民文化的建设这三个方面构建危机管理的长效机制,最终提高非政府组织的危机管理能力,充分发挥其在自然灾害危机管理中的作用。 关键词:自然灾害危机管理 社会团体 民办非企业单位 Non-governmental organizations participate in crisis management of natural disasters Frequent crisis management has inevitably become a major challenge in social life in a Context of times of unprediable international situation and deepening domestic reforms. As Provider of Public serviers and manager of Public affairs, the government will inevitably Play a dominant role In crisis management. But just a few governrnent emergency departments an professional strength are not enough,there must also be the articipation of social forces and support to successfully meet the challenges of crisis. As important organizational entities in civil society,non一governmental organizations can also play an important role and become a more active force in dealing with the crisis.Based on the actual situation of China, Chinas non-governmental organizations will be divided into social groups and private non -enterprise u nits in two categories, analysis of their participation in crisis management in the current situation and existing problems, propose must be based on the current situation, the Governments drive from , non -governmental organizations to strengthen their abilities, civic culture, these three aspects of the construction of building long-term mechanism for crisis management, and ultimately non-governmental organization



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