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第五部分,结论与建议。首先,依据上文对本案进行总结,然后由本案件引申出今 后在司法实践中处理该类案件应该注意的问题,针对相应的问题从预防机制和法律完善 等方面提出相关建议,以求缓解法与情之间的冲突。 关键词:安乐死;故意杀人罪;量刑情节;民意 Abstract With the continuous development of the modern economy, Chinas socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization made great progress, living standards, the level of health is improving, there is growing emphasis on health problems. The body is the most important capital, when health problems have become empty talk. The people of the world, life and values are changing, many very ill patients in the face of the pain experienced during treatment, on the one hand, live to be subjected to unbearable suffering, on the other hand can peacefully choose to die, people the choice to start the swing. Long before the issue of euthanasia in the United States and Europe caused a great response, only the Netherlands and Belgium, two countries in the world in the form of law confirmed the legality of euthanasia in other countries are mostly case-specific processing in practice. Euthanasia of Chinas legal profession has always been different opinions in recent years, the physician-patient relationship issues have become increasingly acute, patients understanding of the health care has gradually deepened the sight of attention has been transferred to the quality of life issues from the problem of existence, is no longer just stressed to live, the more emphasis you want to live in dignity, in particular in the course of treatment. Now, in addition to pay attention to the problem of forced to live, but also see a lot of very ill people had to die because of poor economic difficulties or medical conditions. This article in accordance with the structure of the case analysis papers to buy pesticides to help mothers euthanasia cases the existence of difficult problems on Deng, layer by layer anatomical analysis through a variety of differences of opinion explain, tightly bound to the case around the merits of such cases in judicial practice problems,


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