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成都中医药大学硕士研究生学位论文 成都中医药大学硕士研究生学位论文 万方数据 万方数据 中文摘要 目的:本研究旨在观察藁本细辛汤治疗儿童鼾眠(陈寒闭窍证)的临床疗 效,为治疗小儿鼾眠拓宽思路,为本病的中医治疗积累经验。 方法:本研究以 60 例符合儿童鼾眠(陈寒闭窍证)诊断,年龄在 1 岁至 12 岁患儿为对象。予藁本细辛汤口服,疗程为 1 月。通过观察治疗前后患儿症 状、体征的变化并计分,最终收集资料并整理,进行统计学处理和治疗结果分析。 结果:藁本细辛汤对改善患儿打鼾、鼻塞、张口呼吸、睡眠中呼吸暂停次 数、憋醒次数、精神状态、睡眠质量、口干等主要症状方面有显著疗效,并对次 要症状,如白天精神状态、夜间磨牙也有明显改善。在治疗第 1 周时各症状即明 显起效。本研究收集病例 60 例,临床痊愈 10 例,占 16.7%%;显效 42 例,占 70%;有效 4 例,占 6.7%;无效 4 例,占 6.7%;总有效率 93.3%。 结论:藁本细辛汤在治疗小儿鼾眠(陈寒闭窍证)近期疗效较明显,能改 善其主要症状及一些次要症状,从而改善患儿的生活、学习及睡眠质量,可见中 医药在治疗小儿鼾症方面有其优越性。 关键词:藁本细辛汤;儿童鼾眠;临床研究 2 Abstract Objective: In this study, we observed the clinical effect of Gao-Ben -Xi-Xin Tang in treating OSAHS of children (chenhan blocking the lung orifices ) .This study not only developed a new therapy approach on OSAHS in children but also accumulated some materials for its TCM therapy. Methods :In the study ,60 children patients with OSAHS aged from one to twelve were chosen to orally take the Gao-Ben -Xi-Xin Tang. 1 month was one period of treatment. The changes and scores of the patients’ symptoms and signs were observed before and after treatment. Then these materials were collected to conduct a statistical analysis for the therapy results. Results: According to the statistics, by the pre-and post-treatment auto-control , the Gao-Ben -Xi-Xin Tang had evident clinic efficacy in improving the patients’ major symptoms such as snoring, nasal congestion, mouth breathing, sleep apnea, arousal times, mental status, quality of sleep, dry mouth. It also had obvious improvement in some secondary symptoms like mental state during the day, nocturnal bruxism. On the 7th day of treatment, it had evident effect on all the symptom except nasal congestion. In the study, 60 collected cases were obtained. Among them 10(16.7%)cases were fully recovered, 42(70%) cases had significantly effective, 4(6.7%) cases showed effective, 1(1.7%) case were ineffective. So, the total effective rate reached to 98.3%. Conclusion: The Gao-Ben -Xi-Xin Tang has an evident effic



peili2018 + 关注


