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华 华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 II II Abstract In recent 20 years, electrochemistry analytical instruments have been greatly developed at home and abroad, and been widely used in research and industrial fields, as well as the corresponding analytical software. Many foreign instrument manufacturers have released powerful analytical software in succession. In contrast, the development of analytical software is slow domestically, with analytical functions being simple and low efficiency in case of large amount of data. Therefore, to develop software supporting high effective plotting and diversified electrochemical analysis is of practical value. In this thesis, the background of electrochemical analysis software is briefly introduced. An new analytical software Corshow was designed, which supports fast plotting and analysis for polarization and voltammetric curves. The software framework, design and implementation of each module are illustrated at length in following chapters. This software is subject to the routine of object-oriented programming and consists of four parts: file management, graph, data analysis and help subsystem. The file management is focus on accessing the project in serialization mode and parsing the data files in several formats. Graph module is based on GDI+ and optimized by filtering points supporting other functions such as zooming, print and copy etc. The services provided by data analysis module include data smoothing and filtering in Savitzky-Golay algorithm, fitting the electrochemical kinetic parameters of polarization curves in Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, calculating corrosion rate, recognizing the current peak in volt-ampere curves and analyzing the height of peak automatically. Help system enables switching between Chinese and English interfaces, and realizes bonding the documentation to different help themes. Key words: Polarization curve Voltammetric curve GDI+ Savitzky-Golay filter Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm PAGE IV PAGE IV 目


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