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第四军医大学硕士论文 established procedures for material characterization on small size scales. These developments have an almost immediate impact on technology, and serious research efforts have begun in order to exploit them in various applications including in the field of bio-medicine. A particularly challenging aspect of oral material research is its highly efficiency of antimicrobial effect. Shu et al. have developed the nano-TioB2B ceramic-coated orthodontic brackets and have done some primary study on the mechanical and biological properties of the nano-TiOB2 ceramic film on brackets.B This study was aimed to assess bacterial plaque accumulation adjacent to nano- TiOB2 ceramic brackets and to assess bB acterial plaque clearance of nano-TiOB2 ceramicB brackets developed by us compared with general SWA brackets manufactured by the xinya factory, hang zhou. Our study involves two parts :① To access bacterial plaque clearance of two SWA brackets, that are nano-TiOB2B ceramic brackets developed by us and general brackets manufactured by the xinya factory, hang zhou. ② To assess bacterial plaque accumulation adjacent to nano-TiOB2 ceramic bracketsB by a scanning electron microscopy study. Results: 1、 PLI-O increased after brackets placement in both the nano- TiOB2B ceramic orthodontic brackets group and the normal stainless steel orthodontic brackets st th group. From 1P to 4PP week, with time going, PLI-O increased in both bracketsP groups. However, bacterial plaque clearance of nano- TiOB2 ceramic orthodonticB brackets was better than the normal stainless steel orthodontic brackets. 2、 Difference of PLI-O between two experimental bracket


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