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摘 要 随着“依法治国”治国方略思想的确立,我国法制化进程不断加快,公民的 法律意识、法治观念进一步加强,法治新闻报道开始受到大众传媒的重视与受众 的欢迎,并在报道内容与形式上呈现出鲜明的时代色彩。由于我国正处于社会转 型加速期,各类经济民事领域的纠纷增多,大众传媒越来越关注社会民生问题, 由此产生了全国范围内的民生新闻热,这其中的法治类民生新闻因其独特的魅力 尤为受到传媒的关注。与传统的法制新闻相比,法治类民生新闻更加注重报道内 容、形式以及视角上的贴近性,因而更容易赢得平民大众的好评与信任,大众传 媒也因此将其作为吸引受众眼球、争夺市场份额的利器之一。然而,随着法治类 民生新闻报道的增多,其报道中也不可避免地出现了一系列问题,如选材的浅薄 化、内容的低俗化、报道的失实与不公以及新闻侵权等,这些问题理应引起学界 与业界人士的关注与反思。鉴于此,笔者认为,对于法治类民生新闻的研究,特 别是对于报道中存在问题的分析,对于提升法治类民生新闻传播的水准将产生重 要的影响作用。 本文在深入解读法制新闻与民生新闻内涵的基础上,具体阐述了法治类民生 新闻的内涵以及特点,并从政治环境、社会文化、受众心理等角度分析了法治类 民生新闻产生的原因,在此基础上对法治类民生新闻报道中存在的问题进行了梳 理和归纳,分析其成因与危害,并提出了改进法治类民生新闻的一些策略,以期 为法治类民生新闻的传播实践提供借鉴。 关键词:民生新闻 法治类民生新闻 新闻侵权 社会责任 Abstract With the establishment of the thought of Administer a country according to law, the quickening of legal process, the enhancement of citizen’s rule of law consciousness and idea, the news report of rule of law begin to be attended by the mass media, and it is well received by audiences too. Meanwhile, peoples livelihood news about the rule of law shows a sharp color of the times in the form and content. As our society is in a transition period to accelerate, economic disputes in the field of civil increase, the mass media more and more concerning about social and livelihood issues, peoples livelihood news form a trend in China., and peoples livelihood news about the rule of law because of their unique charm, especially by the media attention. Compared with traditional legal system news, peoples livelihood news about the rule of law pay more attention to news reports, as well as form closer to the angle, and thus easier to win the praise of the civilian population and trust, so the mass media to attract audiences as the eye, for a market share of one of the weapons. However, with the number of peoples livelihood news about the rule of law increasing, it inevitably arises in a number of issues, such as low quality of report, inaccurate and unfair, invading personal rights and so on. These issues should rise to academic and industry attention


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