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I I 摘 要 摘 要 农村基层民主对农村经济社会发展有着十分重要的作用,而作为农村基层政治的主 要参与人,上级政府、村干部和农村村民的互动关系直接影响着农村政治建设。而对于 村干部权力获得及合法化的研究,更是关乎农村基层民主发展,也贴合于我国政治建设 和农村建设的目标。 本文从社会交换论视角出发,运用过程事件分析法,分析 W 村村干部权力获得与 合法化背后的交换论逻辑,通过分析,得出河北省 W 村村干部权力获得机制将逐渐趋于 理性化的结论;并且针对当前农村村民自治存在着立法和司法方面的欠缺和农村民主文 化氛围不够浓厚这两个问题,提出要通过建立健全相关政策和法规、加强农村经济建设 和培育宽松的民主环境等来进行解决,使村民自治成为改善民生、提高农民生活水平的 必要举措,并按照社会主义民主政治发展的客观要求,发展具有中国特色的社会主义基 层民主。 论文主要内容包括:首先,阐述研究背景和相关文献综述,同时阐明研究目的和意 义、研究对象、研究方法、内容、理论基础和创新点;其次,根据社会学和政治学对农 村基层政治发展阶段的划分,按照初创、规范、深化三个阶段,着重论述各阶段中社会 交换逻辑发挥的作用和不同表现特征;第三,根据分析结果,结合社会交换论理论,分 析 W 村村干部权力获得与合法化的逻辑与趋势,并结合实际问题,提出建议和对策。 关键词 社会交换论 村干部 权力获得与合法化 II II Abstract Abstract Rural grassroots democracy plays a very important role on rural economic and social development .The superior government, village cadres, and the rural villagers are the main participants to rural grassroots politics. They directly affect the rural political construction. The study on power obtaining and legitimacy of village leaders is very important to rural grassroots democracy, and it also fits in goals of Chinese rural construction and development of politics. Based on the social exchange theory and by the methods of analysis of progress -incident, this article analysis the social exchange theory logic behind the power obtaining and legitimacy of W village leaders. The finding by analysis is that the future trend of power obtaining mechanisms of rural village leaders is to rationalization. And we can also find some problems in the rural grassroots democratic construction, such as the defects of the implementation of the law and rural democratic culture atmosphere. We think that it should establish sound policy and laws, strengthen the construction of the rural economy and create a relaxed democratic environment to solve these problems. According to the objective requirement of the development of socialist democratic politics, it should explore and establish more effective ways to promote the rural grassroots democracy and make the self-govern


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