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I I 摘 要 迷信在西方心理学界一直是一个比较热门的研究课题,而国内心理研究者对这方面 的研究还没有给予足够的重视,而我国的迷信心理研究还处在描述阶段,也很少有研究 能上升到实证研究阶段。研究者认为迷信心理会影响到个体的心理健康、行为方式、生 活质量等。目前对中国背景下的大学生迷信心理研究尚处于起步阶段,所以深入研究我 国大学生的迷信心理具有十分重要的理论和实际意义。 在文献研究的基础上,本研究以中国本土文化为背景,以河南省大学生为被试,采 用已有的迷信心理问卷收集数据,并采用 t 检验和相关、回归分析等统计方法,对人口 统计学变量在迷信心理各维度上的差异进行了比较和分析。同时对大学生的迷信心理和 应对方式、归因方式三者之间的关系进行了研究,探讨归因方式对迷信心理及应对方式 的中介作用。主要研究结论如下: (一)我国大学生的迷信心理在某些人口学变量上存在显著差异。性别上女生在迷 信行为、迷信动机方面显著高于男生;专业上,文科大学生在迷信行为的维度上要显著 高于理科大学生;家庭来源方面,来自农村的大学生在迷信信念和迷信动机上明显高于 城市大学生;而几代同住的家庭结构迷信行为水平显著高于核心家庭和单亲家庭。 (二)大学生迷信心理、归因方式与应对方式存在显著相关。 (三)归因方式对迷信心理有显著地预测作用;将归因方式纳入回归方程后,回归 系数变小但仍显著,归因方式在两者之间起部分中介作用。 关键词:迷信心理,应对方式,归因方式 ABSTRACT Superstition in the West compare psychology has been a hot research topic, and domestic research in this area of psychological researchers have not paid enough attention, and our blind faith in psychological research is still in the stage description, and there was little research can increase to empirical research stage. Researchers believe Superstition affect individuals mental health, behavior, quality of life. The context of current college students of Chinese Superstition still in the initial stage, in-depth study of the college students Superstition is very important theoretical and practical significance.. On the basis of the relevant literature, this research background of the Chinese local culture, college students as subjects in Henan Province, using the existing psychological questionnaires to collect data superstition, and using t test and correlation, regression analysis method, Superstition of the demographic variables in the different dimensions were compared and analyzed. The study also psychological and superstition of college students coping, the relationship between attributional style was a study on attribution and coping styles on the Superstition intermediary role. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: Firstly, Superstition of students in some demographic variables there were significant differences in gender be



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