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法理与大众朴素情感之契合视角下 我国体育规则发展的研究 吴 云 龙 安徽师范大学硕士学位论文 二○一四年四月 本论文经答辩委员会全体委员审查,确认符合安徽师范大学 硕士学位论文质量要求。 答辩委员会签名: 主席:(工作单位、职称) 委员: 导师: 法理与大众朴素情感之契合视角下 我国体育规则发展的研究 摘 要 法理于体育规则而言,相当于上行概念之于下行概念,同为规制行为的条 款。而由于体育运动此种行为的特殊性,对于受众情感的考量也十分必要。近 年来由于竞技运动的快速发展,体育规则的改良之举已越来越受到重视,规则 中理性客观的标准与运动受众的情感倾向如何从摩擦对立走向和谐统一,这就 需要将规则拆解为理性客观的规则之理和感性主观的受众情感,分别与其对应 的上行概念进行比较研究,将其中理性客观的法理与感性主观的情感倾向所具 有的共同特征在静态关系与动态关系中寻找契合点,通过对法学三大流派的研 究分析,确立适合体育规则发展的综合法学派阿列克西第三条道路理论,在此 理论中寻找适合体育规则发展的线索,厘清在不同层次的运动比赛中情理与法 理的侧重点,从规则的制定、运行、宣传和救济方面进行完善,从而使体育规 则向着更贴合现代体育运动发展的方向前进。 关键词:体育规则,法理,情理,综合法学派,大众情感,动态关系,静 态关系,契合 I Study on the rules of sports development under the perspective of fit emotion theory and mass of simplicity Abstract Legal sports rules, the equivalent of uplink downlink concept to concept, with the regulation behavior of terms.Because of the special sports such acts, the audience emotional considerations are necessary. In recent years due to the rapid development of competitive sports, sports rules has been improved to more and more attention, emotional tendencies, rational and objective standard and the rules of movement in the audience to the harmony and unity ofopposites from friction, which requires the rule disassembled for rational and objective rules of physical and perceptual subjective emotion, compare the uplink concepts are corresponding, the common feature of rational and objective law and subjective emotional sensibility is in between the static and dynamic point, for the establishment Aliekexidi synthesis school sports rules for the development of the theory of the three way, for the development ofsports rules. In this theory, but the forward from sports rules with the development of modern sports thought direction. Key words: sports rules, legal, reasonable, comprehensive school of law, public sentiment, dynamic, static, fit II 目 录 HYPERLINK \l _bookmark0 摘 要 ................................................................................................................................... I


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