外研版七年级下Module 1 Lost and foundUnit 2 Are they yours优秀教案.ppt

外研版七年级下Module 1 Lost and foundUnit 2 Are they yours优秀教案.ppt

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外研版七年级下Module 1 Lost and foundUnit 2 Are they yours优秀教案

The Lost and Found Office in New York City 1. The Lost and Found Office in New York City 在纽约市失物招领所。 2.lose things 丢东西 2.) Hurry up, or we cannot get to the railway station on time. 快点儿, 否则我们就不能按时赶到火车站了 leave 表示“落下,遗忘”, 它还有很多其他的含义: 1.) 表示“离开” 例如:Nancy wants to be a doctor when she leaves school.南希毕业后想当一名医生。 3.) 表示“留到, 留待”, 例如: Leave it another week, then tell him he’ll have to decide. 把此事再放一周,到时告诉他必须做出决定。 4.) leave 还可以用作名词, 表示:“假期, 休假” 例如: I have to ask for three days’ leave. 我得请三天假。 Tom got up late this morning .That is why he was late for work. 汤姆今天早晨起晚了。着就是他上班迟到的原因。 about a hundred bikes 大约一百辆自行车 再如:two thousand mobile phones and one thousand cameras 两千部手机和一千个照相机 3)I hope you will soon find your lost wallet. 希望你尽快找到丢失的钱包。 另外,find还有“发现”;“感到”等意思。 例如: I found a wallet in the desk. 我在课桌里发现了一个钱包。 I find this book very interesting. 我觉得这本书很有意思。 6. Are you looking for fifteen kilos of sausages? 3. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box. People in a hurry often (1)____things, and there are (2)______ things at lost and found offices at (3)________ and (4)__________. At the New York City Lost and Found Office, there are also some very (5)________ things. There are fifteen kilos of (6)_______ ---are they yours? And how do you lose a (7)_______ boat on a train? 用英语写寻物启事 Lost A watch Its white. Please call Mary. Telephone number is 654-321. 寻物启事,需写明物品,物品特征,失物人,还有联系方式. 用英语写失物招领 Found A red pen I found it in class room. Please call Mary at 654-321. 失物招领,要写明拾到的物品及物品特征,还可以具体写一下在哪拾到的, 什么时间捡到的, 别忘了写清楚联系人及联系方式 . Writing 4. Read the lost and found notes. Write notes for two more things. 请根据信息写一份寻物启事 Name: Helen Lost: a notebook Phone :646-6412 用英语写失物招领和寻物启事 招领启示:一个紫色钱包,找John 电话号码:3539495 寻物:一个照相机 失主是Steve 电话:6034685 归纳:寻物启事和失物招领的格式 Lost:寻物启事 Found:招领启示 My… is lost. Is this your ...? My name is… My name is... Please call at... [数字] Pleas


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