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毕业设计中文摘要 题目:铝合金添加剂包装生产线 -产品整列定位输送机系统设计 摘要: 铝合金添加剂包装生产线-产品整列定位输送机系统设计。 铝合金元素有铜、硅、镁、锌、锰、镍、铁、钛、铬、锂等。铝合金添加剂成品用塑料袋包装,每个塑料袋内装4块或5块,然后再装入硬纸板制纸箱,每箱6袋或10袋,铝合金添加剂包装生产线正是完成这些工作的一条全自动生产线,此生产线的服务对象是锰剂,其的规格是:直径60mm或90mm ,高度不小于200mm,装箱成Φ60-5×2列,和Φ90-3×2列两种规格,而产品整列定位输送机系统正是这生产线中的一个重要环节,为下一步的装箱工作做重要准备,这一步的操作好坏直接关系到装箱的质量。这里我采用了传感器实时监测反馈控制,使产品更能按照要求的轨迹来动作,实现了准确的定位,这次的设计中我添加了间隔控制器,使得不规则的输送来的产品有规则的进入到整列机,该整列机的设计思想不仅可用在此处,还可用在其他类似的生产线中,应用前景广阔,逐步逼近了自动化的要求。 关键词:整列,定位,输送,自动,间隔控制,支架 毕业设计外文摘要 Title The design of the conveyor system for product positioning Abstrsct: The production line of aluminium alloy additive packaging – The design of the conveyor system for product positioning . The elements of Aluminum alloy contains copper, silicon, magnesium, zinc, manganese, nickel and iron, titanium, chromium, lithium and so on. Aluminium alloy additive finished with plastic bags,with 4 or 5 each. And 6 bags or 10 bags into each box.The aluminum alloy additive packaging production line is fully automatic to finish this job. The object this production line services is manganese agent, its specification is: φ60mm or φ90mm, and height of not less than 200mm, packing into two specifications of 5 x 2 column and 3 x 2 column.This step is directly related to the operation of packing quality. Here I adopted sensor real-time monitoring feedback control, make products according to the requirements of the more can track to action, realized the accurate positioning, this design I added interval controller, make irregular conveying to products have rules into the whole column machine.This whole column machine design ideas can not only be used in here, also be used in other similar product line, which gradually approximation for automation requirements. Keywords:orientation, conveying, automatic, interval control, stent 目 次 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc295465930 1 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc295465930 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc295465931 2文献综述 PAGEREF _Toc295465931 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2954659


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