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大飞扬123321 as也可表示“随着”,但要注意与with的区别: As the day went on, the weather got even cold.(从句,故用谓语动词) With the day going on, the weather got even cold.(介词,故用非谓语) before 的句型: It won’t be long before sb. does sth. 不用多久某人就会…… It will be long before sb. does 要过很久某人才会…… It was long before sb. did sth. 过很久某人才做…… It will be + 一段时间+ before sb. does 某人要过多长时间才做 It was +一段时间 + before sb. did sth. 某人过了多长时间才做 by the time+现在时,主句用将来完成时.例如: By the time he arrives, we will already have left California. by the time+一般过去时,主句用过去完成时.例如: By the time he arrived, we had already left California. 注意: Not until his mother called did he get up.(不倒装为He didn’t get up until his mother called.) It was not until his mother called that he got up. (not until的强调结构为it is/was not until…that…) (5) 用no sooner …than 和 hardly…when 引导的从句表示“刚……就……”,主句中的动词一般用过去完成时,从句用过去时若把no sooner, hardly 提到句首,主句倒装 例如: He had no sooner got to the lab than he set out to do the experiment. 该句倒装为: No sooner had he got to the lab than he set out to do the experiment. 注意:不要和where引导的定语从句相混淆.例如: We shall go where working conditions are difficult. We shall go to the place where working conditions are difficult. seeing that (既然) 和 in that (因为) Seeing that the weather is bad , we’ll stay at home. I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have more friends in the country. 注意:so that 既可引导目的状语从句,又可引导结果状语从句,其区别在于:引导结果状语从句时通常用逗号同主句分开. He made a wrong decision, so that half of his lifetime was wasted.(结果状语从句) They started early so that they might arrive in time.(目的状语从句) 例如: I shall not go to the cinema unless I finish my homework before eight. You may go swimming on condition that you don’t swim too far away from the river bank. As long as you keep on trying, you will surely succeed. Suppose that I don’t have a day off, what shall we do? In case John comes, please tell him to wait. Granted that he’s not brilliant, he at least woks hard. 注意:以下as用于表示比较的结构 A is to B as C is to D.= A is to B what C is to D. =As C is to D, so A i



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