Unit 2 Ways to go to school练习题.docx

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Unit 2 Ways to go to school练习题 选择填空 ( ) 1. Sarah: Where is the library? Tom: A. It’s in front of the school. B. Where is the school? C. Is there a library near here? (?? ?)?2.?Stop?at?the?______. A.?yellow?light?? ?B.?green?light???? ?C.?red?light??????? (?? ?)?3.?The?Science?Museum?is?near?the?school?________the?right. A.?on?????????? B.?at???????????? ? C.?in?????????? (?????)?4.?How?do?you?go?to?school???I?often?go?to?school_____?foot.? A.?by??????????? B.?on???????????????? C.??in (??? ) 5. Go straight for two minutes. Then ________ left. ????? A. go????? B. turn??????? C. on????? (??? ) 6. Please come to my ______ birthday party at 6 pm on Sunday. ????? A. two????? B. twelve???? C. twelfth??? (? ??) 7. Turn right ________ the school, then go ________. A. of, right?? B. at, left?? ?C. in, straight (?? ?)7. Excuse me, where is the library? It’s ________ the cinema. A. next ????? B. next to? ???????? ?C. at (?? ?) 9. Now let ______ tell you how to come. A. my??? B. his??? C. me (?? ?) 10. Walk straight _______ five minutes. in?????? B. to??????? C. For 从下列各组词中找出不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内. ( ) 1. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. party. ( ) 3. A. wait B. bus C. train D. bike ( ) 4.?A. turn?right???B. go?home?? C. turn?left????? D. go?straight (?? ) 5.?A. then???? B. near?????? C. next to????? D. in front of (?? ) 6.?A. wait???? B. go?????? C. shop????? D. buy 三、连词成句(注意标点符号的使用)。 1. do, there , you, how, get(?)____________________________________ 2.to ,I , get , by , bus , school (.)____________________________________ 3. often , I , by , bike , come(.) ____________________________________ 4. green , go, at , light , a ( .)____________________________________ 5. wait , and , a , red, stop, light (.)_________________________


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