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世界文化遗产——长城(The Great Wall) The world cultural heritage 制作人: 李蕊 汪文花 袁俊瑛 段沛 姬双儿 长城简介(Introduction) In the north of China, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east. As one of the Eight Wonders in the world, the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese nation and its culture. 在中国的北部,有一座长为6700km的古代城墙。现在就是中国著名的万里长城,西至嘉峪关,东至山海关。作为世界8大奇迹之一,长城已成为中华民族及其文化的象征。 Ancient :for military(军事用途) 长城的用途 (Great Wall Uses) The role of the Great Wall as a military facility, is reflected in the war. Yuanshou years, the Western Han Dynasty apprenticeship, victory. Great Wall extends westward, in the military to ensure the victory of the Western Regions apprenticeship, also explains the Great Wall is to prevent and reduce the most effective tools of war. The ancients of the Great Wall, precisely in order to strengthen military defenses. It is not difficult to conclude: the construction of the Great Wall, is to strengthen the military, strengthening military defense force, you have to build the Great Wall. The ancients built the Great Wall is thought to solve military problems, to build the Great Wall Jiuan get political, but also precisely because of the need to have a military build the Great Wall. 长城作为军事设施的作用,是在战争中体现的。元狩年间,汉武帝出师西域,大获全胜。长城的向西延伸,在军事上保证了出师西域的胜利,亦说明长城是避免和减少战乱最有效的工具。古人修长城,正是为了加强军事防御能力。由此不难得出结论:修筑长城,就是加强军事,加强军事防御力量,就得修筑长城。古人正是想以长城之筑解决军事问题,以长城之筑得到政治上的久安,也正是因为有了军事的需要才有了长城之筑。 Now:Tourism development 长城的用途 (Great Wall Uses) The firist,a rich material value, tourism. Second, the rich spiritual value and fully reproduce the Chinese nations great, hardworking, understanding and wisdom. Third, the symbolic value, a symbol of Chinas Great Wall on which this magnificent dragon-like standing in the nations of the world. Others do not sa


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