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词汇 上升 上升:go up, increase, grow, rise, climb, ascend, expand, show an upward trend, gain, pick up, take off, mount 急剧上升: jump , soar, surge, escalate,rocket, swell, boom, leap, shoot up, skyrocket 缓慢上升: ease up, edge up, creep up, accrue The smoking rate in young girls was on the rise. 下降 下降:go down, decline, decrease, drop, fall (off), slide, slip, descend, dip, reduce, shrink, dwindle, diminish, show a downward trend, abate, slow down 急剧下降: crash, collapse, plummet, plunge, slump 缓慢下降:subside, ebb, ease down, edge down, creep down a sharp decrease in the … 幅度副词 幅度小 幅度大 rapidly, sharply, markedly, tremendously, immensely, significantly, substantially, noticeably, considerably, steeply, dramatically, drastically, overwhelmingly gently, steadily, stably, subtly, slowly, moderately, slightly, modestly, marginally, minimally gradually, regularly, continuously, progressively, smoothly comparatively, relatively 相应地 correspondingly, proportionately 均匀地 evenly, equally 平滑地 比较地 突然地 suddenly, abruptly 不均匀地 unevenly, unequally 修饰名词时,幅度副词去ly变成形容词。 rise rapidly There was a rapid rise…. 波动 fluctuate(名词:fluctuation), wave, waver, vibrate, vary, shift, swing, flutter, alternate, vacillate, undulate rise and fall, go up and down, range between … and … 形容词: fluid, variable, volatile The number of people using the station fluctuates. 反转:reverse 复苏:recover (from), bounce back 稳定 remain/stay/maintain/keep stable (steady/constant/the same/balanced/unvarying) stabilize/stand/level off(out)/even out/reach a plateau/flatten out at… experience a stable trend, demonstrate no variation there is hardly any/no/little change resume/continue + 趋势 最高点 reach/hit/attain/increase to the peak(top/the highest point/summit/climax/zenith/pinnacle/apex/vertex/culmination) at… peak at…(此处peak 作动词) 最低点 hit/reach/attain/decrease to the bottom (a low point/floor/base/valley/trough/nadir) at… bottom out at…(动词短语) 平均 mean/average take an average average out at… strike a balance 具体上升/下降多少 静值:


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