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母婴麻疹抗体46对检测的的结果分析   摘要: [目的] 了解宁波市江北区母婴麻疹抗体水平和小月龄婴儿麻疹发病情况,为探讨小月龄婴儿麻疹免疫策略及控制麻疹疫情提供依据。 [方法] 选择江北区流动、常住人口36孕周孕妇102人,其配对婴儿46名,用酶联免疫吸附试验分别检测麻疹IgG抗体。收集江北区2008年麻疹发病资料并进行分析。 [结果] 2008年江北区麻疹发病以婴儿、成人为主,分别占28.0%、47.0%;婴儿中又以6~8月龄为主,占82.5%。婴儿麻疹抗体水平的高低与母亲抗体水平有密切关系,相关系数为0.752。102名孕妇的麻疹IgG抗体阳性率为90.9%,保护性抗体阳性率为46.5%,几何平均滴度倒数(GMRT)为725.6。配对的46名婴儿麻疹抗体阳性率为91.3%,GMRT为901.3,其中1、6、8月龄婴儿的抗体阳性率分别为91.3%、6.3%、0%。 [结论] 江北区近年来麻疹发病以小月龄婴儿为主,6~8月龄婴儿抗体水平很低,是发病的主要原因。对育龄妇女接种麻疹疫苗,提高母传抗体水平,对婴儿提前实施初次免疫,是降低小月龄婴儿麻疹发病率的主要措施。?      关键词: 孕妇; 婴儿(母婴); 麻疹抗体; 检测中图分类号:R 511.1 文献标志码:   A???   Analysis on the result of detection of measles antibodies in 46 pairs of mother and infan   XU Fen-fen?1, CAI Ying?1, QIU Li-xiao?1, CHEN Mei-fen?1, JIN Xiao-xia?1, RUO Xiao-rong?2 (1. Ningbo Jiangbei District Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Zhejing 315020, China; 2. Jiangbei District, Zhejing 315020, China )    (1. Ningbo Jiangbei District Center of Disease Control and Prevention, Zhejing 315020, China; 2. Jiangbei District maternity child care hospital Zhejing 315020, China )?   Abstract: [Objective] To investigate the maternal level of measle antibody and few month old incidence of measles cases in Jiangbei district, Ningbo, to provide support for the research into immunization strategy of few month old infant measles and control of such epidemic.    [Methods] 102 pregnant women with gestational age of 36 weeks from the floating and permanent resident in Jiangbei district, with 46 matching infants. Enzyme-linked immunosuppressant assay was used to test measles IgG antibody. Measles incidence data in 2008 in Jiangbei district was collectted and analyzed.    [Results] Infection of measles occured among infants as well as adults in Jiangbei district, with infection rate of 28% and 47% respectively, especially in infants of 6-8 months, accountted for 82.5% . Infants measles antibody level was closely related to that of the mothers, with a correlation coefficient of 0.752. 102 cases of measles IgG antibody


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