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2012 年 第 2 1 卷 第 8 期 计 算 机 系 统 应 用 ① 基于CC8520 嵌入式无线音频传输系统 郁伟勇,简献忠,严 军,奚利丰,曹 毅,顾裕杰 (上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院, 上海 200093) 摘 要:为了解决目前无线音频传输系统普遍存在的成本高、功耗大、音质差,以及研发工程师关心的产品研 发周期长、可靠性低的问题。提出了基于 TI 最新芯片 CC8520 无线音频传输系统的设计方案。该方案采用 2.4GHz 无线技术;无需进行繁琐的软件开发,由配置器配置灵活、多样以及所期望的功能;且芯片内部集成微控制器, 无需额外的微控制器或 DSP 。论述了系统硬件设计及 PuthPath 无线适配器的设置方法。经实际测试表明:可以 有效地提高音质,降低功耗,可持续使用 22 小时,传输距离 130 米,满足设计要求。该方案减少了产品研发时 间,为设计音频无线传输产品开发提供了一种新的思路。 关键词:2.4GHz ;CC8520 ;高保真;低功耗;嵌入式;无需软件开发 Embedded Wireless Audio Transmission System Based on CC8520 YU Wei-Yong, JIAN Xian-Zhong, YAN Jun, XI Li-Feng, CAO Yi, GU Yu-Jie (University of Shanghai for Science Technology, Shanghai 200093, China) Abstract :In order to solve the cost, power consumption, sound quality, the problem of development cycle and reliability that the engineers concerned. We proposed a design of wireless audio transmission embedded system based on TIs new chip CC8520. The design employed the 2.4GHz technology and set up the expected fuction quickly using the configurator unnecessarily of software development. Furthermore, the mian chip CC8520 of the design that integrated micro-controller do not use any other micro-controller or DSP. The article gives the overall structure of the whole system and then introduces the method of setting PuthPath Wireless Configurator. The result of experiment shows that the design is effective in improving sound quality and reducing power consumption that can continued work 22 hours. Further, the distance of the design can reach 130 meters. The design reduces the development cycle and provides a new idea for the design of wireless transmission production. Key words :2.4GHz; CC8520; high-fidelity; low power consumption; embedded system; no software development 近年来,无线技术在音频传输领域得到越来越多


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