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政大中文學報 第二十三期 2015 年6 月103-130 頁 從《周易集說》、《讀易舉要》論俞琰的《易》學觀 及治《易》特色 楊自平* 摘 要 俞琰為宋末元初重要《易》學家。學界多肯定俞琰在道教《易》學的 成就,然就《易》學發展來看,實以《易》經傳的解釋為主流,因此,對 俞琰《易》學的研究當以《周易集說》、《讀易舉要》為主,前賢在這部分 的研究集中在三方面:兼重象數與義理、歸本朱子且融攝眾說,及重要象 數主張。然對於《周易集說》作為纂註體《易》著的體例及特色並未討論, 且未論及俞琰對元代《易》學共同關注議題的看法。俞琰雖承繼朱子部分 主張,但對上、下經分篇、〈河圖〉與〈洛書〉有不同看法。在論象方面, 無論談卦畫之象、卦爻辭取象或互體,皆有其獨特見地。釋經實踐則本於 即象言理的理念,透過對卦義、卦、爻辭字詞、象辭及占辭深入解析,並 結合通例的運用,對義理亦有其特殊見地。足見俞琰《易》學在元代《易》 學發展有其特色,值得正視。 關鍵詞:俞琰、《周易集說》、《讀易舉要》、元代、《易》學 2015/04/19 收稿,2015/06/12 審查通過,2015/06/17 修訂稿收件。 * 楊自平現職為國立中央大學中國文學系教授。 104 政大中文學報 第二十三期 A Study on Yu Yan’s Yijing Learning and characteristics in Collection on Yijing and Abstraction of the Yijing Yang Zi-ping * Abstract Yu Yan was one of the most important Yijing Scholars in the late Song-Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty. The academic community affirms Yu’s Daoist Yijing Learning. However, criticism on Yu’s Yijing Learning is mainly based on his Collection on Yijing and Abstraction of the Yijing. Those previous studies mainly focus on three perspectives: Yu’s commentaries on the image-number system and reasons, his comprehensive understanding of different schools and celebration of Zhu Xi’s theories, and his significant discussion about the image-number system. However, they do not discuss about the style and characteristic of Yu’s Collection on Yijing, and Yu’s opinion on the commonly interested issues in Yuan-Dynasty. Although Yu partly inherits Zhu Xi’s doctrine, he has his own opinion on the part one and part two of the Yijing, the Hetu, and the Luoshu. Yu’s discussion on the theory of image, such as the image of Gua and Yao, provides an unique i


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