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3.despite (L9) (+ n./ing) in spite of ; although Translation 虽然我们极力劝阻,他还是坚持要去。 Key Despite our efforts to persuade him, he insisted on going. Translation 离火车开车还有些时间,我想如果抓紧,我们 能赶上。 Key There’s some time before the train leaves. I think we shall make it if we hurry. 4. make it (L9) ① to arrive somewhere in time for sth. ② to be successful in a particular activity 5.subject to (L21) open to; cause to experience or suffer Translation 科学家对这种产品进行了数次严格的测试。 Key The scientists subjected the product to a number of severe tests. 6. in some way (L29) in a certain manner More: in a way, in no way Practice __________, he is right in saying so. 在某种程度上,他这样说是对的。 You can __________allow this situation to continue. 你决不能允许这种情况再继续下去。 In a way in no way 7.complain about (L47) to say that you are dissatisfied, or unhappy about sth. or someone Translation 学生们经常抱怨食堂的伙食不好。 Key The students always complain about the poor food in the canteen. 1. 保持心态平衡 2. 表露出来 3. 协调步伐 4. 确定步速 5. 带病上班 6. 引以为荣的事 7. 流露出对······的羡慕 8. 在某人身上寻找······ 9. 用于判断人的标准 10. 以某种方式 to keep one’s balance to let on to coordinate one’s steps to set the pace to go to work sick to be a matter of pride to show envy of … to looked for … in sb. standards by which to judge people in some way 11. 使······正常运转 12. 享受做······的乐趣 13. 爆发 14. 满足于做某事 15. 在极度无助的情况下 16. 要求假装被打倒 17. 参与 18. 休假回家 19. 嫉妒别人 20. 找回心理平衡 to keep … going to have a good time doing … to break out to be content to do sth. in frustration to be urged to take a dive to participate in to come home on leave to be envious of others to regain one’s balance of mind Put the paragraph below into English. 杰克严重跛足,经常承受屈辱和压力,但他却从不抱怨或嫉妒别人。即使天气恶劣,他也能上班;并且尽量参加活动。所有这些常常令他的同事从内心里感到惊讶。他们都不拒绝和他一起走路,虽然他们的步伐很难协调一致。同事们让他把手搭在他们的肩膀上以保持平衡。他们按杰克的步速,跟着他走。 Translation severely crippled inwardly coordinate envy reluctant urge occasion complain amaze stress adjus



