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无锡职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 第 PAGE \* Arabic \* MERGEFORMAT 9页,共18页 Stepping Motor Application and Control 步进电机的应用与控制 stepper motor is an electrical pulse will be converted into angular displacement of the implementing agencies. Put it in simple language-speaking: When the stepper drive pulse signal to a receiver, it drives stepper motor rotation direction by setting a fixed point of view (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the amount of angular displacement, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, you can by controlling the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, so as to achieve the purpose of speed. As actuators in the automatic control device. For each pulse signal input, further before stepping motors, also known as the pulse motor. Stepper motor used in digital computer peripheral equipment, as well as the printer, plotter, and disk device. 步进电机是将电脉冲转换成角位移的执行机构。通俗的讲:当步进电机驱动器接收到脉冲信号,它就驱动步进电机按设定的方向转动一个固定的角即步进角。你可以控制脉冲的个数来控制角位移量,从而能准确定位;同时你可以通过控制脉冲频率来控制电机转动的速度和加速度,从而达到改变速度的目的。在自动控制装置中作为执行元件。每输入一个脉冲信号,步进电动机前进一步,故又称脉冲电动机。步进电动机多用于数字式计算机的外部设备,以及打印机、绘图机和磁盘等装置。 Stepper motor directly from the AC-DC power supply, and must use special equipment - stepper motor drive. Stepper motor drive system performance, in addition to their own performance with the motor on the outside, but also to a large extent depend on the drive is good or bad. A typical stepper motor drive system is operated by the stepper motor controller, stepper motor drives and stepper motor body is composed of three parts. Stepper motor controller stepper pulse and direction signal, each made of a pulse, stepper motor-driven stepper motor drives a rotor rotating step angle, that is, step-by-step further. High or low speed stepper motor, or speed, or deceleration, start or stop pulses are entirely dependent on whether the level or frequency. Decide the direction of the signal controller stepper motor clockwise or coun


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