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郑州交通职业学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 论文(设计)题目: 八路智能抢答器 所属系别 信息工程系 专业班级 08电子信息工程技术1班 姓  名 王在龙 学  号 200808060830160 指导教师 罗素保 撰写日期 20011 年 4 月 摘 要 随着科技的高速发展,各种各样的新技术、新元件都应用到了实际的生产生活之中,加快了人们的生活节奏,也简化了人们的劳动过程。抢答器它可以由AT89C51、PLC、单片机、数字电路、模拟电路还可以由EDA技术做成,本次设计是采用AT89C51做主控制器,控制台灯、音响、数码管构成的电路。 开始抢答前,主持人首先通过复位按钮实现电路复位,在提问之后,打开选择开关启动定时器。如一路抢先按下,则其他再按下将不会起作用。抢答成功后,辅助继电器接通,启动音效电路和某分台指示灯,同时利用内部编码程序段控制输出点,驱动外部数码显示器显示抢答成功的组号。抢答成功后,同时启动定时器,当定时器计时结束 ,将启动音效电路和指示灯提示回答时间到。如果在限时内无人抢答,则启动音效电路和总台指示灯。能够用在医院病房、宾馆客房、写字楼办公室、 工厂生产车间等多种地方。 关键词 : 抢答器,AT89C51,可编程控制器,数码管。 Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, a wide range of new technologies, new components are applied to practical production and life, to accelerate the pace of peoples lives, people also simplified the labor process. Qiangda for it by the AT89C51、PLC、 MCU、 digital circuitry、 analog circuits can be made by the EDA technology, this design is used AT89C51 master controllers, control lamps, stereos, digital composition of the circuit. Qiangda before the start, host the first circuit through the reset button to achieve reduction in question, open selection switch activated timer. If all the way pre-empt press, other press will not work. Qiangda successful, the auxiliary relay connected to start the audio circuit and a light at Taiwan, while the use of the internal control procedures encoded output, drive external digital display shows Qiangda success of the group. Qiangda successful, the timer started at the same time, when the timer end of time, will launch the audio circuit and prompt response time to light. If no one within the time limit Qiangda, then start the audio circuit and Taiwan indicator. can be used in hospitals, hotel rooms, office space offices, factories and other local production workshop. Key words :Qiangda,AT89C51,PLC,digital control。 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc166582346 1 引言 PAGEREF _Toc166582346 \h 1 HYPERLINK


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