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Champs Elysees in ParisThe Champs Elysees is one of the most famous streets in the world; line with its cinemas, cafe and luxury specialty shops.It is at the very heart of Paris and it’s one of the most symbolic palaces in the city, representative of its spirit and its glory. Triumphal arch is at the end of the street .香榭丽舍大街是世界最著名街道之一,街道两旁电影院、咖啡馆、高档专卖店林立。人行道路面非常宽阔。它坐落于巴黎的正中心,香榭丽舍大街是最具代表性的地方,代表了这个城市的精神与荣耀。街道的尽头便是凯旋门。 Fifth Avenue in New York Fifth Avenue is a major avenue in the center of the borough of Manhattan in New York City, USA. It is a symbol of wealthy New York. It is one of the best shopping streets in the world, often paired with London’s Oxford Street and the Champs Elysees in Paris. It is one of the most expensive streets in the world 。第五大道是美国纽约曼哈顿区的中心大道。它是纽约财富的象征,是世界上最棒的购物街。可以跟伦敦的牛津街和巴黎的香榭丽舍大道媲美。它是世界上最昂贵的购物街。Ginza in TokyoGinza is one of the busiest shopping centers in Tokyo, it is said that it was sea there, after reclamation land from sea, it becomes the heart of Tokyo. 银座是东京最繁华的商业区,相传从前这一带是海,经过后来的填海造地,逐渐成为了“东京的心脏”。Oxford Street in LondonLondon Oxford Street is the most important shopping street in London. It is famous for the old buildings, which were built in the end of 18th century.伦敦牛津街(London Oxford Streets)伦敦首要的购物街,由于街道两旁布满了18世纪末期的精美建筑而闻名于世。Yonge Street in TorontoYonge Street is the most well known street in Toronto. It is also the most important transport road in Toronto. It lies in the middle of the city and divides the city into two parts.央街,是/view/8073.htm多伦多知名度最高的街道,也是多城最主要的通路,是城市的一条主轴,将多伦多大致上分为东西两片。Long Peace Street in BeijingLong Peace Street is from Dongdan to Xidan. Tian’anmen Square lies to the north of its central point . It was built in Ming Dynasty and it is said that it’s the widest street in the world. There are a lot of government agencies in each side of the street. 长安街东起东单西至西单。天安门广场位于长安街中心点的北边。它修建于明朝而且据说它是世界上最宽的街道。在长安街的两边有很多政府部门。How to get to ….8种问路的方法1.Can/Could /Would you tell me how to get to the … (from here?)2.Whi


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