Tour through the Eastern Counties of England(英格兰东部游记)(通俗说,让知识变得平等

Tour through the Eastern Counties of England(英格兰东部游记)(通俗说,让知识变得平等

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Tour through the Eastern Counties of England Tour through the Eastern Counties of England 1 通俗说,让知识变得平等 , ,我们不喜欢各种专业术 没错我们就是要让所有知识变得平等 语来忽悠我们, 知识的海洋无比浩瀚,人哪怕穷尽一生,也只是弱水三千的其中 一瓢, 但是,如果可以通俗的解释知识,那就可以节省许多时间,而且 通俗易懂,很难忘记, 但是我们的力量是有限的,我们需要更多的人加入我们,来完成这场 专业难懂的知识通俗化的革命!! 如果您也有类似的想法, 如果您也厌倦了传统的教育, 如果您也讨厌专业的名词术语, 那就加入我们, 在通俗说,你会遇到很多志同道合的朋友, 他们都是致力于知识通俗化的运动!!! |微信公众号: |微博:/tongsushuo |官方网址:?source=pdf |内测猛戳:/register?source=pdf Tour through the Eastern Counties of England Tour through the Eastern Counties of England I began my travels where I purpose to end them, viz., at the City of London, and therefore my account of the city itself will come last, that is to say, at the latter end of my southern progress; and as in the course of this journey I shall have many occasions to call it a circuit, if not a circle, so I chose to give it the title of circuits in the plural, because I do not pretend to have travelled it all in one journey, but in many, and some of them many times over; the better to inform myself of everything I could find worth taking notice of. I hope it will appear that I am not the less, but the more capable of giving a full account of things, by how much the more deliberation I have taken in the view of them, and by how much the oftener I have had opportunity to see them. I set out the 3rd of April, 1722, going first eastward, and took what I think I may very honestly call a circuit in the very letter of it; for I went down by the coast of the Thames


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