复件 鞍钢股份整体上市实例分析—对全流通背景下中国企业整体上市的思考.docVIP

复件 鞍钢股份整体上市实例分析—对全流通背景下中国企业整体上市的思考.doc

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复件 鞍钢股份整体上市实例分析—对全流通背景下中国企业整体上市的思考

对外经济贸易大学 硕士学位论文 鞍钢股份整体上市实例分析一对全流通背景下中国企业整体上 市的思考 姓名:王源 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:企业管理 导教师:汤谷良ABSTRACT Capital acquisition has been widely used as an effective way to improve management and make profit. There are successful acquisition cases that make listed companies taking new vigorous look but also accompanying by some vicious injury to minority shareholders due to affiliated deal. With the upcoming period of china fully circulating stock market, additional issuing stock tailed for majority shareholders to reach whole on-listed is the most remarkable way among these new transaction tools and modes during the acquisition. There are so many new cases such as TCL group merged TCL telecom, Baoshan steel co., ltd purchased group capital. This article is focusing on the analysis of Anshan Steel Co.,Ltd case study; introduction of the dealing parties , acquisition process and mode , acquisition purpose and meaning, appraisal of Anshan steel acquisition .The author is trying to give some personal opinion and advice based upon whole prospect. The first part is the introduction about the research background, current status and emphasis. The second part is about the concept and content of the whole on-listed and also the advantage and disadvantage- The third part is mainly on the whole process of Anshan steel co., ltd and the appraisal of the result and impact. The fourth part is about personal understanding of the whole on-listed , summarizing the success parts of Anshan steel co.,ltd and also giving some advices. Keyword: whole on-listed, additional Issuing stock tailed for capital reforming , capital acquisition, Reorganization of share holding structure 1、导论 1、导论 1.1、研究的背景和意义 由于历史的原因,我国资本市场的作用与地位在初始时期并未得到明确确立。因 此在当时,集团公司往往只拿出部分资产上市以试点,上市公司仅仅是集团公司的一 个窗口。 经过10多年的曲折发展,以2004年初发布的《国务院关于推进资本市场改革开 放和稳定发展的若干意见》为标志,资本市场在国民经济发展中的重要战略地位终于 得以确立。随后,以解决历史遗留问题为目的的股权分置改革于2005年4月轰轰烈 烈展开,并得以顺利进行。以此为契机,国内资本市场取得了长足发展,其功能得到 越来越有利的发挥。在这样的背最下,利用资本市场迅速积聚和集中资本,提高企业 规模和竞争实力,以迎接全球经济一体化和国际竞争就成为迫切的任务。为


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