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PAGE PAGE 20 交通大学MBA英语面试讲义 SamuelDavid 基础英语学习与语感锻炼 当我们想表达一段话的时候,我们对其中的一些词汇的英文翻译还是知道的,但是我们可能对于如何快速地把他们组合起来,并且流利的表达出来,可能有点迟疑,所以,我们首先做几个小练习,拾起我们久违的语感吧。 过去的5年之内,香奈儿在中国市场一直就在盈利。 the past 5 years Chanel China’s market always make profit 管理者的主要任务就是领导团队实现既定的目标。 manager main task lead a team achieve set targets 目前,提高我们市场份额最有效的方法之一,就是开辟新的市场。 now improve our market share most effective way one of the explore new markets 近几年来上海经济的快速发展,主要是归因于大量的外资的进入。 these years Shanghai’s economy rapid growth mostly due to foreign investment vast inflow 公司的成功不仅仅取决于我们的战略有多好,而在于我们是否执行它和实现它。 company success not depend on our strategy great but execute Fulfill 如何迅速的组织语言和表达观点 我建议前期可以使用速记的方法,把自己观点和想法的关键词记下来,然后再根据这几个关键词进行扩展和延伸。我们在使用中文聊天的时候,也是如此的,我们表达观点,都是首先朦胧有个观点的核心词,然后再滔滔不绝的表述出来。我们中文能够这么做是因为这是我们娴熟的母语,比如说别人问我:“你昨天去哪里了?”,我如果去了人民广场,那么人民广场就是我大脑中闪现出来的核心词,然后我说“我昨天人民广场瞎逛了,啥也没买,不过好多人啊,美女都杂堆了”。我们在英语方面可能还没这么娴熟,慢慢来,先把最核心的东西用最简单的方式表达出来。 How to achieve more profits? 关键词:交易额 ↑ 成本 ↓ To achieve higher profits, we need to improve our sales revenue while reduce our cost. 如果是母语国家的人,可能延伸的更加丰富:How to achieve higher profits? I guess it depends, like, first we have to make sure our sales revenue is getting high, which means more customers are buying our products, and at the same time, we also have to come up with ideas to reduce our cost, which will likely to further enlarge our profit margin….. Why English is important for MBA? 关键词:MBA英文教学 √ 就职 √ It’s because, first of all, we need English to better learn our MBA classes, secondly, English will be important for us to get a better job in the future. 让我们一起来做练习: How did you spend your Spring Festival? Spring festival is the most important festival for Chinese people, there are many activities which can do, firstly, I will visit relative and have dinner with them, and secondly I will watch the spring festival gala evening on CCTV. 关键词: 团聚 会友 TV 提示:团聚 family reunion What is the difference between a manager and a leader? 关键词: 领导者:战略! 管理者:执行! 提示:a,制定战略:


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