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第七章 第一节 书信的翻译 (涉外商务信函的翻译) 一.商务信函的类别 (Classification) 涉外商务信函是对涉外商务运作过程中使用的各种函件的总称。在国际商务活动中商务信函是商家、厂家与客户之间用于联系业务、沟通商情、咨询答复的主要途径和工具。 从内容和商务操作过程的角度来划分,涉外商务信函可以分为以下11大类: a.建立业务关系 b.产品推销类 c.资信查询类 d.询盘类 e.发盘还盘类 f.定购类 g.支付类 h.装运通知类 i.保险类 j.索赔类 k.邀请致谢类 二.商务信函的格式 (Format) 1.在格式上,中英信函存在很大的差异。 2.英语商务信函历史悠久、内容完整、自成系统。 3.商务信函英译汉时,可保留商务信件的正式程式,也可套用我国传统格式,具体做法可根据该公司的习惯决定。 四、商务信函的布局(Layout:13 elements) 1. letterhead 信头 2. reference 编号(案号) 3. inside address 信中地址 4. attention line 经办人 5. salutation 称呼 6. subject 事由 7. body 正文 8. closing 信尾敬语 9.signature 签名 10.initials 经办人编号 11.enclosures 附件 12. carbon copy 抄送 13.postscript 附言 Sample 1 International Publishing Ltd. 62,Queen’s Road, 20th Floor,Central Tel Fax:15 April, 2010 Our ref:GH/6/99 Your ref:JB/3/99 Mr. James Brown, Purchasing Manager, Far East Ltd., P.O.Box316, Singapore. Dear Mr. Brown, Your order no. 6862 Thank you for your letter of 15 March, 2010. I am pleased to inform you that your order will be shipped to you by M.V. Kiro Maro, which due to arrive in Singapore on 20 May, 2010. Please feel free to contact me if you have any future questions. I look forward to hearing from you again. Yours sincerely, Geroge Howard Geroge Howard Marketing Manager dm Enclosure: invoice, bill of lading cc: Peter Smith, International Bank Sample 2 6 June 2006 Our ref:GH/6/99 Your ref:JB/3/99 MR. David Patricks 3005 West 29th, Suite 130 Waco. TX 77663 Dear Mr. Patricks, I received your June 5th letter requesting consultation and am providing my recommendation in the following. First, let me review my understanding of your inquiry. The question you raise revolves around whether the heating registers should be located in a low sidewall, or in the ceiling, and if ceiling registers are used, which type – step –down or stamped-faced—will deliver the best results. Additionally, the problem concerns whether there is any benefit to have heating registers near t



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