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PAGE PAGE 1 《三国演义》中曹操的形象分析 【摘 要】: 《三国演义》是我国 HYPERLINK /lishi/ \t _blank 历史小说中出类拔萃的长篇巨著.作者罗贯中在这部作品中塑造了众多真实的历史人物形象,曹操便是其中一位举足轻重的人物,也是塑造得最成功的艺术典型。罗贯中把曹操塑造成为一个典型的封建统治者形象。曹操既是一位优秀的政治家、军事家同时也是一位奸邪诡诈、善于玩弄权术的奸诈之徒,又是一个“奸邪、诈伪、阴险、凶残”的绝代奸雄。还写了他的其他性格特点,他有着无穷贪欲和权势欲,但又把宁教我负天下人,休教天下人负我的自私残忍的灵魂掩藏起来,用假仁假义,小恩小惠去笼络,收罗人才,为他所用.本文就曹操形象的主要方面:既具有雄才大略和才智,又有无穷的贪欲和权势欲,多疑,自私残忍,收罗人才等方面的性格特征,,使曹操成为中国文学史乃至世界文学史上少见的富有独创性的艺术形象。 【关键词】:曹操;政治家;军事家;奸雄;英雄形象 【Abstract】:Three Kingdoms is the outstanding historical novel in China long masterpiece. Luo Guanzhong in this work of shaping a large number of real historical figures, Cao Cao is one of the pivotal figure, is also the shape typical of the most successful art. Cao Cao Luo Guanzhong to shape the image of a typical feudal rulers. Cao Cao is not only an outstanding statesman, military strategist but also a treacherous cunning, good at Machiavellian crafty, but also a treacherous, fraud false, treacherous, cruel, the peerless Jianxiong. He also wrote the other character, his desire to have an endless greed and power, but again I would rather negative people of the world, to teach people of the world bear me off, the soul of selfish cruelty hide it, with the hypocritical, petty favors to win , enlist talent for his own use. In this paper, Cao Caos main aspects: not only has the ingenious and intelligent, there are endless greed and power like, paranoid, selfish, cruel, enlist personnel and other aspects of the character traits, so that Chinas Cao Cao Literary History and the worlds rich literary history rarely seen original art image. 【Key words】: Cao Cao; statesman; military strategist; Jian Xiong; heroic image. 《三国演义》中的曹操,是统治阶级营垒中一个集功罪善恶于一身的乱世英雄。传统的“奸贼典型”论与近年来兴起的“又奸又雄”论,以及影视剧编导中的无恶而不奸的编演模式,不仅没有如实反映出曹操性格的复杂组合,而且大大降低了古典名著《三国演义》中曹操形象的美学高度。文章用“美恶并举,有贬有褒”、“主次变换,重心转移”、“善恶难辨,亦美亦丑”三部分,详细论证了曹操性格的二重性、流动性、模糊性。一提起《三国演义》中的曹操,人们首先想到他是一个大奸臣,狡诈、多疑、假仁假义、十分奸险;但他的宽宏世无其俦,他的诚挚更能令人叹息弥襟。他在分裂混乱的三国时期,对统一我国北方,起过相当大的作用。 (一)怀不臣之心,生性多疑,残酷好杀,奸诈多变的曹操. 《三国演义》的人物面目清楚,忠就忠得义薄


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