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l 本科毕业论文(设计) 题目:中核270ZK-7井泥浆循环压力损失计算模型的选择应用 姓 名: 学号: 20071000234 院 (系): 工程学院 专业: 勘查技术与工程 指导教师: 职称: 教授 评 阅 人: 职称: 副教授 2011年 6 月 摘要 随着国家二次采矿的开始,准确预测钻井过程中钻井液的循环压力损失愈加显得重要。很长一段时间以来,国内外诸多学者一直致力于钻井液循环压力损失模型的研究,以确保钻井施工安全、快速的进行。 在诸多计算钻井过程中钻井液沿程压力损失模型中,根据具体的地层情况,井眼结构,钻具组成,泥浆类型等选择一种模型来计算钻井液沿程压力损失就会遇到一定的困难。 本文在文献回顾研究的基础上,从钻井过程中钻井液沿程压力损失的概念入手,探讨了钻井液沿程压力损失的涵义,组成部分,剖析了影响沿程压力损失的影响因素。接下来,本文结合钻井液沿程压力损失,对现有计算模型的研究现状、使用条件进行分析研究,提出根据地层情况进行模型选择,以便准确预测钻井液沿程压力损失。最后,本文把理论应用于实际,针对中核270研究所在赣州再里地区铀矿普查ZK-7井的钻进方法、井身结构和泥浆体系,通过对300米绳索取心钻进的实施情况和采集的钻井液性能检测数据,分析应用现有模型,计算ZK-7井不同井深的循环压降。并结合现场的生产实际数据,检验其实际应用情况和应用价值。为将来相同相似的钻井过程中钻井液沿程压力损失计算提供依据。 通过对上述问题的研究,本文将组合式沿程压力损失公式与实际应用相结合,很好的解决了绳索取心钻进在完整花岗岩地层的沿程压力损失预测。 关键词:绳索取心钻井 压力损失 计算模型 预测 验证 ABSTRACT With the beginning of national second mining, predict accurately the pressure of drilling fluid loss in drilling process is important. For a long time, the domestic and foreign many scholars have been trying to research the pressure loss with drilling fluid circulation model, to ensure drilling rapidly and safety. In many pressure loss of fluid in the drilling process calculation model, according to the specific situation of wellbore structure, strata, drilling mud types, to choice a model to calculate the pressure loss of drilling fluid will meet certain difficulties. In this paper, based on the study of literature review, from the pressure loss drilling process along the riser fluid, discusses the concept of pressure loss of drilling fluid, part along the riser, analyzes the influence factors of pressure loss. Next, combining with the loss of pressure, existing calculation mode of drilling process research status, use model study, puts forward the conditions are analyzed according to the underlying situation, so accurate prediction the pressure. loss of fluid by model selection .Finally, this paper put theory is applied in practice, targeted at the nuclear 270 research area in gan


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