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PAGE 西安欧亚学院 本科毕业论文 题 目:“宝洁“中国市场营销模式分析 学生姓名: 指导教师: 所在分院: 物流贸易学院 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 班 级: 统本1002班 西安欧亚学院本科毕业论文 摘 要 如今的日化用品行业空前繁荣,竞争也十分激烈,淘汰率自然也高。在激烈的浪潮中生存下来并占领市场便成为了每个日化企业坚持不懈的奋斗目标。 而“宝洁”创立于1837年,1988年进驻中国,经历了百年风雨和大浪淘沙,它作为日化行业的龙头老大依然屹立不倒,占领着世界和中国市场。 本文介绍了有“品牌管理教父”称号的日化大亨“宝洁”的发展成长史,从宏观和微观两个方面分析“宝洁”在中国市场的营销环境,再从目标市场、产品、价格、渠道、促销、品牌这五个方面分析“宝洁”的营销模式。根据“宝洁”近些年所呈现出的近期状况加以剖析找出问题所在并且提出合理化建议。再通过分析“宝洁”成功的营销模式,给我国本土日化企业提供启示和借鉴。 文章最后通过对我国日化行业发展现状的分析,提出可行性建议,并用“宝洁”的兴衰史给予我国企业于一定的启示作用。 关键字: 宝洁公司 营销模式 品牌 Abstract Todays prosperity in daily chemical products industry, competition is very intense, high selective nature also. To survive in the fierce wave and occupy the market became every chemical company unremitting goal. And procter gamble was founded in 1837, entered China in 1988, has experienced one hundred years of wind and rain and ebb tide, it still standing as a cosmetic industry leader, occupied the world and the Chinese market. This paper firstly introduces a godfather of procter gamble brand management in the growth and development from two aspects of macroscopic and microscopic analysis of procter gamble in the marketing environment of the market, and from the target market, product, price, channel, promotion, brand pg five aspects: the marketing model. According to pg in recent years, the present poor condition to analyze and put forward reasonable Suggestions. Through the analysis of procter gamble successful marketing model, to our domestic daily chemical enterprises for reference. Finally through the analysis of current situation of the development of cosmetic industry in our country, put forward feasible Suggestions, and procter gamble and fall to give our country enterprise in the certain enlightenment function. Key words: PG Marketing mode brand 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc


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