《本杰明 巴顿奇事》经典台词(中英双语).docVIP

《本杰明 巴顿奇事》经典台词(中英双语).doc

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《本杰明 巴顿奇事》经典台词(中英双语).doc

1,You never know whats coming for you.? 你永远都猜不到,以后的生活是什么样子。? 2,——What if I told you that I wasnt getting older,but I was getting younger than everybody else?? ——要是我告诉你我没有变老,而是变得更年轻了呢?? ——Well,Id feel sorry for you,to have to see everybody you love die before you do.Its an awful responsibility.? ——那真不幸。你必须看着你爱的人先你而去,真是可怕的责任。? (OS:Id never thought about life or death that way before.? 我以前从没想过生死。)? ——Benjamin,were meant to lose the people we love.How else would we know how important they are to us?? ——本杰明,我们命中注定要失去所爱之人,不然我们怎么知道,他们在我们的生命中有多重要?? 3,Its a funny thing about coming home. Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same. Youll realize whats changed is you.? 回家是一件令我感到新奇的事情,周遭一切看起来依旧,闻起来依旧,感觉起来也依旧。你才意识到,其实真正发生改变的,是你自己。? 4,Our lives are defined by opportunities.Even the ones we miss.? 我们的生命,因为各种各样的机遇而变得有意义,甚至那些我们错过的。? 5,You can be mad as a mad dog at the way things went.You can swear and curse the Fates.But when it comes to the end,you have to let go.? 不顺心的时候,你可以像疯狗那样发狂,你可以破口大骂,诅咒命运;但到头来,还是得放手。? 6,Life wasnt all that complicated.If you want, you might say I was looking for something. 生活并没有那么复杂,要是你喜欢,大可以说我是在探索生命。? 7,Sometimes were on a collision course and we just dont know it.Whether its by accident or by design,theres not a thing we can do about it.? 有时候,我们的人生轨道,会与别人的交错,只是不自知罢了。无论是意外,还是天意,我们都无力改变。? 8,And if only one thing had happened differently,? if that shoelace hadnt broken,? or that delivery truck had moved moments earlier,? or that package had been wrapped and ready , because the girl hadnt broken up with her boyfriend,? or that man had set his alarm and got up five minutes earlier,? or that taxi driver hadnt stopped for a cup of coffee,? or that woman had remembered her coat and had gotten into an earlier cab,? Daisy and her friend would have crossed the street.? And the taxi would have driven by.? But life being what it is,? a series of intersecting lives and incidents,? out of anyones control,? that taxi did not go by,? and that driver was momen


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