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摘 要 家用净水器是一种将自来水进行深度过滤和消毒的饮水装置,通过使用不同的过滤材料来提升直饮水的安全和质量。所以家用净水器的推广使用能够在很大程度上提高全民饮水安全和质量以及成本,不仅如此,家用净水器还可以针对地区性水源污染,通过过滤装置的作用来提升受污染水源的利用率,节省水资源;特别是在一些水污染严重的地区和水资源稀少的地区,家用净水器的使用能够很大程度的提高人们的饮水安全和质量。然而,由于现今家用净水器市场的规范化程度不高,国家相关监管部门监管困难,导致我国家用净水器市场的相关产品不能完全满足人们的需要。所以家用净水器的改良设计势在必行。主要通过解决过滤材料、过滤方式和改良产品外形设计以及提高家用净水器环保等级方的式来来提升家用净水器的市场占有率,以达到提高人们饮水安全和质量的目的,提高全民健康水平。 关键词:家用净水器,改良设计,人机工程学 Abstract Household water purifier is a drinking water device with deep filtration and disinfection of tap water, and can improve the safety and quality of drinking water by using different filtering materials.. So household water purifiers popularized and used to improve national drinking water safety and quality as well as cost in a large extent, not only that, household water purifier can also for regional water pollution, through the filtering device to enhance utilization rate of water pollution, save water resources, especially in some serious pollution of the water area and water scarce regions, the use of household water purifier can greatly improve people's drinking water safety and quality. However, due to the high degree of standardization of current home water purifier market, national regulatory authorities regulatory difficulties, resulting in China's household water purifier market related products can not fully satisfy the people's needs. So the improvement of household water purifier is imperative.. By solving the filter materials, filter and improved product appearance design and improve household water purifier environmental protection grade of the party to improve household water purifier market share to improve people's drinking water safety and quality, improve the level of people's health. Keywords:Household water purifier, Improved design, Ergonomics 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc9066 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc9066 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc18258 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc18258 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc13664 目 录 PAGEREF _Toc13664 3 HYPERLINK \l _Toc17433 1 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc


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