新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit7-Section B-Economic bubbles Causes and conditions.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookIII-Unit7-Section B-Economic bubbles Causes and conditions.ppt

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Campaign to improve literacy rate will be conducted by the government once it becomes clear that education represents the only safe measure to this disease. 典型例句 一旦了解到教育是治疗这种疾病的唯一安全方案,政府就会开展提高识字率的活动。 意群提示 Functional patterns 如果价格急剧上行引起的是正面而非负面反馈,就会产生经济泡沫。 原句译文 逆译练习 Economic bubbles occur when prices trending sharply upward spur positive, rather than negative, feedback. (Para. 3, L1) 句型提炼 Functional patterns Sth. occurs/happens when… 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“事情发生的情境”。 句型应用 Functional patterns Generation gap?generally?occurs?when parents and children hold different values and beliefs.? 典型例句 如果父母和孩子拥有不同的价值观和信仰,就会产生代沟。 意群提示 Functional patterns 此种情形一旦蔓延,终会让银行难以为继,并最终沉重打击发展经济所需的贷款业务。 原句译文 逆译练习 If this situation is widespread, it can culminate in the failure of those banks and a severe crackdown on the lending needed to grow the economy. (Para.5, L4) 句型提炼 Functional patterns If this situation/problem/phenomenon/ trend/tendency/practice is widespread/ commonplace/popular, it can culminate in/end in… 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某种情况/问题/趋势发展产生的严重后果”。 句型应用 Functional patterns If this phenomenon is widespread, it can culminate in extinction of marine species and reduction of biodiversity. 典型例句 此种现象一旦蔓延,最终会导致濒危海洋物种的灭绝和生物多样性的减少。 意群提示 Functional patterns Genuine collocations 此种情形一旦蔓延,终会让银行难以为继,并最终沉重打击发展经济所需的贷款业务。 Language appreciation 不过,有时由于“羊群效应”,众多经纪人蜂拥热购,股价就像温度计里的水银被一路推至虚高。 Language appreciation Herd mentality is a phenomenon in which people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors, follow trends, and/or purchase items. Examples of the herd mentality include stock market trends, fashions in apparel, cars, taste in music, home décor, etc. Use caution with this expression; it can easily be insulting because it implies “mindless running with the herd (of cattle)”. 2. What is “herd mentality”? Tips Reading skills Section B Recognizing definitions in a text Recognizing definitions in a text In short, definitions may be developed in the ways as follows: 1 A definition typ


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