新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookI-Unit1-Section A-Toward a brighter future for all.ppt

新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程BookI-Unit1-Section A-Toward a brighter future for all.ppt

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打开方便之门 These useful suggestions open the door to better communication with your parents. 短语逆译 短语应用 这些实用的建议为你更好地与父母交流敞开方便之门。 意群提示 to open the door to sth. Practical Phrases Functional patterns Functional Patterns Functions Usages 1. As …, sb. is proud /happy/ sorry /sad… to do sth. 用于表达“某人在特定身份下做某事的感受”。 2. In doing sth, sb. is reminded of sth. 用于表达“某事引起的回忆”。 3. If sb. could give sb. else only one piece of advice about…, it would be this: Do sth.! 用于表达“某人认定的最为重要的建议”。 4. … A wonderful example of this is sb. who…/ sth. that… 用于列举“最典型的事例”。 作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。 原句译文 逆译练习 As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. 句型提炼 Functional patterns As …, sb. is proud /happy/ sorry /sad… to do sth. 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某人在特定身份下做某事的感受”。 句型应用 Functional patterns 典型例句 作为一名来自灾区的学生代表,我非常感激社会各界对我们的关爱与帮助! 意群提示 As a student representative from the disaster-hit area, I’m very grateful to the people of all walks of life for their care and help! Functional patterns 在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。 原句译文 逆译练习 In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me. 句型提炼 Functional patterns In doing sth, sb. is reminded of sth. 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某事引起的回忆”。 句型应用 Functional patterns 典型例句 第一次给这么多人做演讲时,我想起我的英语老师给我的鼓励和建议。 意群提示 In making my speech in front of a large audience, I’m reminded of the encouragement and advice from my English teacher. Functional patterns 如果我只能给你们一条选课建议的话,那就是:挑战自己! 原句译文 逆译练习 If I could give you only one piece of advice about selecting courses, it would be this: Challenge yourself! 句型提炼 Functional patterns If sb. could give sb. else only one piece of advice about…, it would be this: Do sth.! 句型提炼 应用提示 用于表达“某人认定的最为重要的建议”。 句型应用 Functional patterns 典型例句 如果让我给你一条如何应对大学挑战的建议,那就是:相信自己! 意群提示 If I could give you only one piece of advice about how to cope with the college challenges, it would be this: Believe in yourself! Funct


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