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内蒙古科技大学 本科生毕业设计说明书 题 目:设计年产300万吨的1/2 连续热连轧带钢车间 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业:材料成型及控制工程 班 级: 指导教师: 内蒙古科技大学毕业设计 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III 摘要 板带钢是钢铁产品的主要品种之一,广泛应用于工业,农业,交通运输和建筑业。宽带钢在我国国民经济中的发展中需求量很大。世界各国近年来都在注重研制和使用连铸连轧等新技术和新设备来生产板带钢。 本设计是以包头地区为条件,设计了年产量300万吨的热轧带钢车间。分析了在包头地区建造新的热轧带钢车间的可行性和必要性。典型产品规格为6mm×1700mm,所用钢种为Q235。 本设计主要内容包括:原料的选择、生产工艺的制定、典型产品工艺计算、轧制制度的确定、主要设备和辅助设备的选择,并且对主要设备(轧辊和电机)的能力进行了校核。对车间主要经济指标、生产车间布置和环境保护,进行了设计和规划。典型产品选择的原料尺寸为200×1800×10000,经过六个道次粗轧和六个道次精轧。粗轧机组由一架二辊可逆轧机和一架四辊可逆轧机组成,精轧机组由六架四辊连续式PC轧机组成。轧制后的带钢经过层流冷却系统冷却,然后进入地下卷取机卷曲成卷。钢卷最后进行打捆、称重、喷标;有的还需要进入横切机组、纵切机组进行精整以满足用户的要求。最后,钢卷进入成品库。 关键词:热轧带钢;半连续 ;车间设计 ;生产工艺 Abstract Board strip is one of the main varieties of steel products, widely used in industry, agriculture, transportation and construction. Wide strip is in great demand in the development of national economy in our country. Countries around the world in recent years are in pay attention to the development and use of new technology and new equipment such as continuous casting and rolling plate strip to production. This design is based on baotou region conditions,which designed of the hot rolled strip plant with an annual production capacity of 3 million tons. Analysis of the construction of new hot rolling strip workshop of the necessity and feasibility in Baotou area. Product specifications for the 6 mm x 1700 mm,while the steel grade: Q235. The main content of this design includes: the choice of raw materials、the formulating of production process、calculation of typical product process、the determination of rolling system、the choice of main equipment and auxiliary equipment, and the main equipment (roll and motor) ability was checked. The main economic indicators, the workshop production workshop layout and environmental protection which has carried on the design and planning. The typical product selection of raw materials with dimensions of 200 x 1800 x 10000,which through six passes rough rolling and finish rolling six times. Roug


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