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PAGE PAGE 编号 2013170135 研究类型 基础研究 分类号 G807 学士学位论文(设计) Bachelor’s Thesis 论 文题 目 浅析浠水县中小学体育教学中存在的问题及对策 作者姓名 学号 2009117010135 所在院系 体育学院 学科专业名称 体育教育 导师及职称 教授 论文答辩时间 2013年5月10日 浅析浠水县中小学体育教学的问题及对策 摘 要:湖北省浠水县因地理位置较偏、历史原因的影响、经济发展缓慢、农村中小学类多而布点分散,一些部门对学校体育工作不够重视,以致于学校体育教学发展滞后。通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法对浠水县中小学领导在学校体育方面的态度、体育教师师资力量、体育教师在学校体育中的行为及态度、体育场地、器材、设施、体育教学等进行了调查研究。结果表明,上级部门及校领导对学校体育不够重视、师资短缺、力量薄弱、场地器材欠缺、教学方法、内容陈旧、学生对体育提不起兴趣。针对实际存在的问题,文章对学校体育教学的发展提出了相应的对策,旨在希望在一定程度上促进浠水中小学体育教学的发展。 关 键 词:中小学;体育教师;体育设施;对策 中图分类号:G807 Analysis the Problems and Countermeasures of Physical Education in Middle and Primary Schools of Xishui County Yang Qiuxiu (teacher, Professor Peng YanMing) (School of physical education of Hubei Normal University Hubei HuangShi 435002) Abstract: the Hubei province XiShui County due to geographical location than the partial, influence, historical reasons of the slow economic development, rural primary and middle schools。Multiple and distributed, some departments do not pay enough attention to the school sports work, so that the school sports development lag. This article through the literature data method, questionnaire survey method, interview method, mathematical statistics method in XiShui County of the school leadership in the school sports attitude, the strength of the physical education teachers, physical education teacher behavior and attitudes, in school sports in the sports venues, equipment, facilities, sports teaching, was studied. The results show that, the superior departments and school leaders do not pay enough attention to the school sports, the shortage of teachers, weak, lack of facilities, teaching method, the contents of the old, the students of sports not interested. In view of the actual problems, corresponding countermeasures were put forward based on the development of school physical education, in order to promote the development of physical ed


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