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M.A.S Multi-agent Systems 多智能体系统 Multi-agent system 多智能体系统(MAS) Intelligent System with two or more agents—Multi-agent system 智能系统由两个或多个智能体组成的集合,它的目标是将大而复杂的系统建设成小的、彼此互相通信和协调的,易于管理的系统。MAS是分布式人工智能(DAI,Distributed Artificial Intelligence)的一个重要分支,是20世纪末至21世纪初国际上人工智能的前沿学科。研究的目的在于解决大型、复杂的现实问题,而解决这类问题已超出了单个智能体的能力。 Why Multi-agent system? 为什么构造多智能体系统 Difference between systems with one agent and multi-agents? 单智能体系统与多智能体系统的差别: 多智能体系统具有自主性、分布性、协调性, 并具有自组织能力、学习能力和推理能力。采用多智能体系统解决实际应用问题, 具有很强的鲁棒性和可靠性, 并具有较高的问题求解效率 Agent(智能体) 主体(agent)通常是指一些逻辑上相对独立的节点处理机及运行于其上的进程。主体可以有应用程序、主动式信息资源以及在线网路服务功能等。它能在一定的环境下持续自主运行,能自学习、自增长,同时又可以和别的主体进行协商与协作,以便完成任务。主体要能够持续不断地感知它们周围的环境,并在一个限定的时间内对所受的感官刺激计算出合适的反应。 Agent 智能体 An agent can be affected in its activities by other agents. 智能体可以在感知范围内被其他智能体影响 Agents try to combine their efforts to accomplish as a group what the individuals cannot in the case of cooperation. 智能体可以联合起来完成个体无法完成的功能 Agents try to get what only some of them can have in the case of competition. 智能体也可以会彼此竞争 Neighborhood around an agent 围绕着智能体的区域 Every agent reacts only to flock mates within a certain small neighborhood around itself. 每一个智能体与外界的其他智能体接触时需要通过agent的区域来感知 The neighborhood is characterized by a distance and an angle 区域即为通过角度和距离定义围绕着智能体的一片范围 Neighborhood 区域 The neighborhood is characterized by a distance (measured from the center of the boid) and an angle, measured from the boids direction of flight. 每一个agent都有自己的区域,区域以boid为中心,以一定距离为半径为具有一定角度的扇形 Flock mates outside this local neighborhood are ignored. 超出该agent的区域范围的其他agent会被无视 The neighborhood could be considered a model of limited perception (as by fish in murky water) 区域可以认为是agent所具有的感知能力 3 rules: Separation 三条规则:1.分离 Separation: steer to avoid crowding local flockmates 尽量避免在本地汇集大量agent 个体 3 rules: Alignment 三条规则:2.保持群体形状 Alignment: steer towards the average heading of local flockmates 尽量使单体朝着各方向平均的趋势排列,尽力在各个方向排成直线 3 rules: Co



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