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桂林地區深度旅遊之地理探討 朱道力 1998 摘要   桂林山水雖然是世界級旅遊點,但是很少有人再度重遊。為什麼那麼著名的旅遊點不能讓遊客產生二度重遊意願?是旅遊資源開發有錯?經營有錯?還是國內遊客的遊法或是旅遊心態有錯? 筆者今年五月底前往實地探訪。在當地除選擇部分景點參訪體驗外,另造訪鮮有國內遊客抵達如楊堤、龍脊、三江、興安等地,冀能探索能否增加桂林的景點及旅遊的知性層面;亦與當地旅遊從業人員等交談,期求多角度思考。 本文將桂林地區旅遊景點分為石灰岩地形類、少數民族風情類和史蹟類。 對於大桂林地區旅遊環境的探討,本文嘗試由航空、鐵路、聯外公路、桂林市內公路及河運等項目分析交通,並且分析食、宿和氣候等環境條件。   有關深度旅遊行程分析,本文先分析目前市場上推出的現有套裝行程,再分析深度旅遊者必備之條件,最後以學理基礎分析筆者此次行程。   綜合以上分析結論,本文對旅遊地區的開發(含景點規劃、景點管理、旅遊服務群)、旅行業者(含當地業者及台灣業者)和旅遊者(包括旅遊者心態和行前準備)等項目提出建議。       Geological Research of Traveling Resources in Kuei-Lin Region Chu T.L Summary K.L. is a worldly known vacation spot, but travelers barely revisit for the second time. What actually causes this consequence? Could it be the mis-development of resources, mis-management, or is it the problem of the travelers themselves? At the end of the last May, I went to Kuei-Lin for a field study. Other than the usual tourist attractions, also visited some less commercialized areas such as Yang-Tea, Lung-Gi, San-Chiang, Sing-An, etc. During the research, I talked to many local travel agencies in order to find out the possibilities to. Compiling the conclusion of the above analysis, I comment on the development that includes the planning, management, and services of the tour areas. I have also came up with my ideology about travel agencies (includes local and Taiwanese agencies) and the motivation and preparation of travelers. increase intellectual and educational level of this area. My studies will categorize the tour attractions of K.L. region into Limestone Landscape, Minority Cultures, and many Historical Sites. My research will analyze traveling climates, local foods, lodging, and weather. I will also analyze transportation methods, which includes air, train, highways, and channels. The first analysis will be the tour packages that are offered by the travel agencies. Then, the analysis of the qualification of the serious travelers will be followed by the analysis of my personal visit based on the scientific principles. 桂林


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