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听力微技能培养策略在高中英语听说课中有效渗透   《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》中对听力这种语言技能的教学目标描述为:能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话并能抓住要点,能识别语段中的重要信息并进行简单的推断,能听懂正常语速听力材料中对人和物的描写、情节发展和结果,能听懂熟悉话题的内容、识别不同语气所表达的不同态度。其实这些都是听力微技能的体现。所谓“微技能”,实际上就是人潜在的微妙的心理认知能力,它支配人的行动和思维,包括语言学习。听力微观技能即听力理解方面的具体技能技巧、听力理解微技能,主要包括辨音、获取主要信息、预测能力、猜词语意的能力等。研究表明,注重听力微技能的培养,运用各种教学手段,能够较好地提高听力理解的能力。因此,在提高听力的过程中,应注重微技能的训练培养。本文以我的一节听说课“Water saving”为例,谈谈如何设计教学环节和任务,培养学生的听力微技能。   Step 1: Lead- in   1. Appreciate a lot of pictures with colorful flowers, green grass and tall trees and ask students to think about the question: What is the most important for the flowers, grass and trees?   S: Sunshine... soil... water...   T: They are all very important, but the most important is water, because water is the source of everything.   2. Ask the students to appreciate another picture and answer: What can we see in this picture?   S: An eye... a drop of tear... smoke ....   T: What does the picture want to tell us?   S: Protect our environment...   T: Actually, it tells us that if we don’t protect our environment from now on, the last drop of water on the earth maybe is our tear.   (设计意图:通过美丽的自然风光的图片来激发学生兴趣,然后展示一张与之前图片迥然不同的图片,构成强烈反差,带来强烈的视觉和心灵震撼,唤醒他们对保护环境,尤其是节约水资源的重视。)   Step 2: Pre-listening   Brainstorming:What can we do to save water in our daily life?   S1:Turn off the tap at once after every use.   S2: Reuse the water. For example, use the water first to wash clothes, and then use it to water flowers.   S3: ...   (设计意图:激活已有知识,也为下一环节做铺垫。)   Step3: While-listening   Task1: Listen and answer the following two questions.   Q1: According to WRA, what is the reason for the waste of water?   Q2: What are the simple ways mentioned to save water in people’s daily life?   Answer keys: Q1: The low price of tap water.   Q2: To turn off the tap after every use; To use a dishwasher instead of hand-washing; To store cold water for later use when taking a shower.   (设计意图:这是global listening,培养学生听取主要信息的能力。让学生通过回答以上两个问题来获取main idea.因为听力材料是课外的,通过回答两个问题来获取mai


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