毕业设计 基于安卓的手机日历管理系统1.doc

毕业设计 基于安卓的手机日历管理系统1.doc

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毕业设计 基于安卓的手机日历管理系统1

毕业设计〈论文〉 题 目 基于安卓的手机日历管理系统 基于安卓的手机日历管理系统 摘要 随着生活节奏的逐步加快,人们常会有许多的重要工作需要去安排或完成,个人的日 常工作、领导的重要会议、个人重要日期或者时间等。这些工作都需要在特定的时间给予 醒目标识或者提示。而为了能尽可能的减少人们的负担,来更有效率的工作和更舒适的生 活。这就需要有专门的日程管理系统来安排这些事务。日程管理系统的主要功能是完成个 人一般日程和重要日程安排并提供提醒和查看的功能。 如今随着信息技术的高速发展,手机已经成为现代人们生活所必不可少的物品,将其 作为日程管理系统的平台可以说是一个很好的选择。而且现如今手机安卓系统已经成为一 门及其热门的技术,因此我选择将基于安卓的手机日程管理系统作为我的毕业设计课题。 本系统是一个基于安卓手机平台的日程管理系统,具有基本的日程活动的增、删、改、 查功能,在日历浏览中可突出显示有安排的日期。用户可根据不同的活动设置任务,便于 对日程的管理。系统还具备提醒程序,可帮助管理重要活动,并且实现与网络数据同步的 功能。 系统是基于安卓的基础知识和 Java 语言,以及 SQLite 提供的数据的管理来开发的, 最终取得了较圆满的成果。 关键词: 日历管理 Java 安卓 MobilePhone Schedule Management System ?ased On Android Abstract As the pace of life has been accelerating gradually,people often have many of the important work need to 缸range or complete,personal daily work,leadership of the important meeting,personal important date or time,etc. All this work need to be in particular time to give marked logo or hints. And in order to reduce the burden of the people as much as possible,to moreef自cient work and more cornfortable life. This has to be special schedule management system to 缸range these affairs. Schedule management systems main function is to make the personal gene时schedule and important schedules and provide remind and view function. And now,with the high speed development of information technology,the mobile phone has become the modem people living an essential items,as a schedule management system platform can be said to be a ve巧r good choice. And now two mobile phone system,a1ready become a and its popular technology,so 1choose will be based on 由e mobile phone schedule management system andros as my graduation design task. τhis system is a result of the mobile platform based on schedule management system,have the basic agenda of activity increase and delete,change,check function,in the calendar can browse highlight is the date of the 缸Tangement.Users can set according to different activities task,and is convenient for the management of the schedule. The system also has the re


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