In the end.歌词PPT3.pptVIP

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In the end.歌词PPT3

It starts with 它始于 One thing, I dont know why 有一件事,我不知道为什么 It doesnt even matter how hard you try, 不管你怎样努力都无济于事 Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme 我把它保存在记忆里,写下这首歌曲 To explain in due time- 在适当的时间 作一下解释 All I know 我所知的一切 Time is a valuable thing, 时间是宝贵的东西 Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings 看着它随着钟摆的摆动飞逝而过 Watch it count down to the end of the day, 看着它倒数直至一天的完结。 The clock ticks life away- 生命就在钟表的滴答声中溜走 It so unreal 显得如此虚幻。 Didnt look out below, 未曾注意身下 Watch the time go right out the window, 看着时光从窗外流过 Trying to hold on, but didnt even know, 我努力地去紧握,却未曾明了 Wasted it all just to- 虚度了所有光阴,仅仅是 Watch you go 看着你离我而去 I kept every thing inside, and even though I tried, it all fell apart 我只能把一切埋在心底,即使我努力了,一切还是变得支离破碎。 What it meant to me will eventually, be a memory,of a time when- 对于我而言它最终将成为一段时光的记忆。 I tried so hard, 我曾那么努力, And got so far, 坚持那么久, But in the end, 结果到头来, It doesnt even matter 那根本是无济于事。 I had to fall, 我只能沦陷, To lose it all, 失去原有的一切, But in the end, 然而最终, It doesnt even matter 它竟变得无关紧要。 One thing, I dont know why, 有一件事,我不明白 It doesnt even matter how hard you try 无论多么努力都于事无补 Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme, 我把它保存在记忆里,写下这首歌曲 To remind myself how- 来提醒我自己, I tried so hard 曾多么努力… In spite of the way you were mocking me, 不管你如何嘲笑我, Acting like I was part of your property 不管你的作法像是把我当作你财产的一部分, Remembering all the times you fought with me, 我一直记得,你我嬉笑打闹的每一幕影像 Im surprised it got so (far) 我惊讶于那已是很久以前的事 Things arent the way they were before, 沧海桑田,时过境迁 You wouldnt even recognize me anymore 你可能都认不出我, Not that you knew me back then, 我不再是你当年所认识的样子 But it all comes back to me- 但是当思绪回到过去 In the end 最终, You kept every thing inside,and even though I tried, It all fell apart 你将一切埋在心底,即使我努力了,一切还是变得支离破碎。 What it meant to me will eventually, be a memory, of a time when- 对于我而言它最终将成为一段时光的记忆。 I tried so hard, 我曾那么努力, And got so far, 坚持那么久, But in the end, 结果到头来, It doesnt even matter 那根本是无济于事。 I had to fall, 我只能沦陷, To lose it all, 失去原有的一切, But in the end, 然而最终, It doesnt even


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