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外星人和异型 【翻 译】shan-athana 【字幕提供】紫光 1 00:00:00,000 -- 00:00:02,220 NARRATOR: Demonic seduction... 魔鬼般的诱惑 2 00:00:02,620 -- 00:00:05,960 DAVID CHILDRESS: You cannot resist or do anything about it. 你无法抗拒,别无他法 3 00:00:05,960 -- 00:00:07,960 NARRATOR: hybrid offspring... 混种后代 4 00:00:07,960 -- 00:00:11,520 DOMINIC STEAVU BALINT: People believed that he was half-dragon and half-human. 人们相信他们是半龙半人的动物 5 00:00:11,720 -- 00:00:14,090 NARRATOR: and strange abductions. 离奇的绑架事件 6 00:00:14,190 -- 00:00:18,220 ERICH VON DANIKEN: These beings from outer space wanted to have sex. 这些存在来自外太空,希望享受性 7 00:00:18,220 -- 00:00:25,600 NARRATOR: In cultures throughout the world,there are tales of intimate encounters with extraterrestrial beings. 在世界各地的文化中,有很多个体遭遇外星人的传说 8 00:00:25,600 -- 00:00:29,770 But could these stories be more than just myth? 但这些故事是否不只是神话? 9 00:00:29,770 -- 00:00:34,940 Did aliens come to Earth to mate with humans? 外星人曾来地球和人类交配? 10 00:00:34,940 -- 00:00:44,500 RABBI ARIEL BAR TZADOK: Clearly,there are entities out there which have an agenda: mating with human beings for their own purpose. 很清楚,有来自外边的实体有着他们的课题:为了他们的目的与人类交配 11 00:00:45,400 -- 00:00:52,000 NARRATOR: Millions of people around the world believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 世界上数百万的人相信,我们过去曾经被外星人造访过 12 00:00:52,000 -- 00:00:55,510 What if it were true? 如果这件事真的发生了呢? 13 00:00:55,510 -- 00:00:59,760 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 外星人真的帮助我们塑历史? 14 00:00:59,760 -- 00:01:05,940 And if so,might we be the product of alien breeders? 如果这样,我们难道成了外星饲养员的产品? 15 00:01:22,540 -- 00:01:25,540 16 00:01:39,640 -- 00:01:42,940 NARRATOR: Leipzig,Germany. 2010. 17 00:01:43,590 -- 00:01:52,340 Biologists led by Svante Paabo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology make a stunning announcement: 由普朗克学院Svante Paabo领导的进化人类学生物学家小队做出了一个惊人的决定 18 00:01:52,350 -- 00:01:58,500 they have determined that early humans not only co-existed on Earth with other, 他们确定早期人类不仅在地球上与其



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