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摘 要 随着经济建设的发展,中国当前城市建设发展迅速,其规模之大、范围之广,均是空前的。由于建筑技术和信息技术的相互渗透结合和迅猛发展,在20世纪80年代中期产生了新的建筑类型——智能建筑。 本文通过对某烟草分公司智能化工程建设的方案设计,提出了智能化大厦弱电工程的设计思路,介绍了烟草行业在现代物流管理中信息化和智能化的发展方向,体现了对建筑智能化的系统集成和质量管理的认识。本论文共包括六章内容,分别为设计概要、安全自动化系统、楼宇自动化系统、通讯自动化系统、办公自动化系统以及其他一些弱电供电系统。 本烟草公司弱电系统设计为毕业设计,其目的是通过设计实践,综合运用所学知识,理论联系实际,锻炼独立分析和解决弱电系统工程设计问题的能力,为未来的工作奠定坚实的基础。 关键词:智能建筑、 烟草行业、自动化、弱电系统 Abstract With the development of economic construction, the construction and development of present city of China are fast, its scale big , range is wide, is unprecedented. Technique permeate the combination mutually with the information because of the building technique with fast and fierce development of building electricity technology, in 1980’s age the period the new building type-intelligent buildings turned out. This article design the plan for a branch of a Tobacco Company intelligent construction. Give the idea of intelligent building electronics construction. Introduce the developing direction of modern transportation management. Materialize the ideas for intelligent building system integration and quality management.The thesis includes six Chapters. Including Summary of design、Safety Automation System、Building Automation System 、Communication Automation System、Office Automation Systemas 、as well as a number of other weak power supply system. The tobacco company for the graduating weak systems engineering design,The purpose of this design is to give us a chance of synthetically usage of the knowledge we have learned. Besides, it can train our ability to analyze and solve practical problems in Weak systems engineering so that the theory is connected with practice and a solid base is made in favor of future work. Key Words: Intelligent Building, Tobacco Industry, Automatization, Weak system 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 目 录 III 1 绪论 1 1.1 工程概述 1 1.2 系统设计理念 1 1.3 系统总体设计 2 2 安全自动化系统 4 2.1 系统概述 4 2.2 系统特点 5 2.3 系统设计 6 2.3.1 视频监控系统 6 2.3.2 防盗报警系统 8 2.3.3 门禁系统 9 2.3.4 电子巡更系统 10 2.3.5 火灾自动报警系统 10 2.3.6 应急广播与背景音乐



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