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PAGE 邢台学院2014届本科毕业论文PAGE 本科毕业论文论文题目:潘金莲——追求者的悲剧姓 名:李瑞学 号:2010011111院(系、部):文学院专 业:汉语言文学班 级:10级本科1班指导教师:周蓬华完成时间:2014年04月PAGE III摘 要潘金莲,我国古典小说中塑造的最为成功的女性形象,可谓是家喻户晓。长期以来,她一直被钉在历史耻辱的铁架上,妖冶、淫荡、狠毒是她的代名词,她的恶德和恶行无可辩驳,但当我们采取不同的态度看待这些时便会有不同的理解。出身经历、性格因素、社会因素都注定了她命运的悲剧基调。同时潘金莲的形象也是多样的,她不仅是个勇于追求爱与归属、性与平等、自我实现的追求者,更是一个被压迫被扭曲的悲剧女性。她的悲剧性不仅仅体现在惨死的结局上,还在于她所追求的目标本身是难以实现的,最后仍然处于被玩弄的地位。她的悲剧性更重要的表现在,在她可悲的追求中,她的灵魂被污染、扭曲,由此生出一系列恶德、恶行。潘金莲是男尊女卑、一夫多妻的封建社会中不肯服输、不认命运、勇于反抗的悲剧妇女的典型,在文学史上有着独特的意义。关键词:潘金莲;追求者;悲剧;《金瓶梅》 AbstractPan Jinlian, who is the most successful female image created in the classical novel of our country, is a household name. She has been nailed on the history of stigma of hob, pretty and coquettish, sensuality, cruel is another name for her. Her evil character and evil deeds are irrefutable, but we will have different understanding when we take a different attitude towards these. Her tragic fate was decided by family backgroung, personality factors and social factors. Meanswhile Pan Jinlian’s image is also various, she is not noly a seeker, who is brave to pursue love and affiliation, sex and equality and ture self, but also a tragic female who is oppressed and twisted. Her tragedy is not only reflected in the tragic ending, still in her pursuit of the goal itself is difficult to realize, finally still be playing position. Her tragedy is more important in the performance, that her soul is pollution and twisted in her sad pursuit process where a series of evil character and evil deeds produce. Pan Jinlian who doesn’t typical defeat and recognizes the fate is the prototype of tragic female in the patriarchal and polygamous feudal society. She has a unique significance in the history of literature. Keywords: Pan Jinlian; pursuer; tragedy; Jin Ping Mei目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc365537891 前言 PAGEREF _Toc365537891 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc365537892 一、此身原是何处来 PAGEREF _Toc365537892 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc365537893 (一)潘金莲之于《水浒传》 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc365537894 (二)潘


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