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停车场车位管理及收费系统的研究 摘 要 随着科技的进步,电子技术、计算机技术、通讯技术不断地向各种收费领域渗透,当今的停车场收费系统已经向智能型的方向转换。先进可靠的停车场收费系统在停车场管理系统中的作用越来越大。 在本课题中设计了一个以AT89C52为核心的停车场智能收费系统。以非接触式IC卡为收费管理介质,设计了一个读写器通过读IC卡对进入停车场的车辆进行身份识别并读取IC卡序列号,出停车场时通过读写IC卡扣费;车俩进出停车场时通过读时钟芯片获取车辆进出停车场的时间;设计了红外线探测装置,将其放置在道闸下面,其检测结果配合道闸控制电路控制道闸的升降,具有防砸车功能;显示电路可以显示空余车位数时间;报警电路在系统需要报警时发出报警信号;通信模块可以与上位机进行通信。 论文完成了系统的软硬件开发与研制工作,给出了硬件设计方案和电气原理图、提供了车辆进出停车场的工作流程图,提供了车辆进场的程序流程图及部分程序代码。 关键词:停车场;智能收费;非接触式IC卡;防砸车检测 Study about Intelligent Charge System of Parking Lot Abstract Nowadays, with the advance in technology, electronic technology, computer technology and communication technology continues to penetrate to the area of charge, the parking charge system has been converted to the intelligent direction. An advanced and reliable parking charge system is playing a more and more important role in parking lot management. In this paper, AT89C52 is designed as the core of parking intelligent charge system. Non-contact IC card is the charge and management media of the system. An IC card reader has been designed to recognize the vehicle entering the parking lot by read the IC card and get the IC card identification serial number. The system can charge the clients by reading and writing card before they go out the parking lot. The system can get the vehicle’s entering and leaving time by read the clock chip. Infrared detection device has been designed to place it below the barrier. The system can control the barrier’s rise and fall by control circuit with test results of the infrared detection device. It can stop barrier crashing cars. Display circuit can display the rest parking spaces. The alarm circuit can send out alarm signal when the system needs an alarm. The system can communicate with the host computer by communication module. This paper designs hardware for the system, it has given hardware design scheme and the electrical schematic diagram, provides the in and out work flow chart of the car, the flow chart of the car’s entering the par


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